Gotcher 2003 Calendar Yet?

I’ve bought two: for the office, photos from the Hubble telescope, and for home I have Robert Mapplethorpe’s flower pictures.

I also note, much to my horror, a WTC calendar! I’m sure the money goes to a worthy cause—but Jeez, I’d want to kill myself by March!

How coincidental you should ask! Our secretary just dropped off our utilitarian little calendars this week. I have my handy-dandy E7R-50 Daily Canendar Refill (Feauring Half-Hourly Appointments) and the DayMinder, with the entire month all spread out before you. 14 of 'em. Months, that is.

Heck, I’ve still got 2 1/2 perfectly good months left in 2002 - I got time…

But when I do get one, it’ll be the usual generic gov’t issue. Mostly I refer to the little calendar on my checkbook register. That one’s good thru 2004.