Gotta love those dorm room conversations

Ahh…I just love over hearing some of the conversations of the people on my floor. He’s a great one from this afternoon from a group of 4 guys. :rolleyes:

“Where’s Chris? I haven’t seen him all day.”
“He’s with his woman. I bet he’s balls deep.”
“Oooh, I could really go for some tang right now.”
“Yeah man, it’s been a few days for me.”

Apparently this Chris guy comes back while this conversation is going on and I’m on my way out of the bathroom.

“Yo Chris. What were you up to? In ball’s deep.”
“Hell yeah.”

Proceeds to brag and they all start congradulating him.

Why the FUCK do these guys get to have sex and I don’t? :mad: :mad: :mad:

first of all, it’s congratulating…

I read the first few lines, and I’m quite impressed. I’m thinking, “huh, a guy that is just as disgusted by other guys using women for sex and then telling the campus about it as I am”

And then I realize you just want to be one of them. Heaven forbid you be proud of the fact that your aren’t as low as the others.

Grow up.

I’m bitter because these guys are throwing around sex like its a fucking object, and yet I can’t even get a girlfriend, or even approach a girl for that matter.

Why am I explaining anything?

I’ve seen you in all the other threads I’ve made, so surely you know enough about the way I think and why I’m so bitter.

Nevermind. Sorry for venting.

Because you’re in here posting threads while they’re out there finding loose women?

LOL. I guess you have a point! :smiley:

But you don’t know that they get to thave sex – you just know that the claim to have had sex.

Remember the old saying: “them that talk the most, do the least.”

You mean that somehow they’re preventing you from having sex? Believe me, if you wanna have sex that bad, you’ll find a way. Alcohol, lies, money…there’s always a way other than the old-fashioned route of being with someone you care about. But I take it you have some standards. I’d keep those standards and have sex whenever it happens for you rather than have unfulfilling sex with someone that you have to brag about afterwards to feel good about.

If you want a nut then all the equipment you need is at your fingertips.

If you can’t find a way to get laid in college, you’re either going to a weirdo Christian school or dead. And I’m not sure on the dead part.

Now, this may require lowering of standards/massive consumption of alcohol…but my point remains.

I agree completely.

Although it is sad that in this day and age, one must have to do this. Life is too short for games and drunkenness.
Good luck to you Soapbox Monkey.

Aaah yes college, "those than can, do - and those that can’t, tell everyone they did.

I had a similar thing happen last night. Some random drunk girl was in my room, complaining that the guy next door, whom she has the hots for, was with some other random girl instead of her. She wanted me to go over there and tell this random girl off, who I had never seen before in my life. All I had to go on was the testimony of a drunk that she was “a bitch.”

Needless to say, I refrained, and continued my project of getting moved in to my new room.

Because they’re not uptight about it and you are. You’ve built it up to be the holiest of holy acts, a magical gift that you are only worthy to receive from a female who will realize the sacredness of what she is sharing with you. If this is what you want sex to be for you, that’s fine, but it does mean it’s gonna take you longer to happen. (And you’re almost certainly going to be disappointed the first few times you do it, as high expectations and first-time sex often don’t mix well.)

But I think you’ll be a lot happier if you stop projecting your view of sex onto other people. These guys aren’t monsters. They’re making friendly, crude jokes to a friend about him having sex with his girlfriend. Maybe a little obnoxious, but it’s not such a bad thing to be obnoxious every now and then, especially when you’re a college-age guy. Not everyone talks about sex in tones of hushed reverence.

Everyone else has answered this question, so I’ll give it a shot myself!

Some of your threads in the past show your quite immature (no offence) attitude towards sex. (You want your girl to be a virgin, otherwise you’ll get jelous for instance) Woman you get to know will pick up on this. And therefore = no sex for you.

But good luck in your quest for sex anyway!