How do I begin? Do I begin by describing all the times my friend the loser has had the opportunity to sleep with women, but hasn’t taken it? Or do I describe his latest fuck up? I don’t know. I mean, how do I explain a guy who has only had sex with prostitutes and has never, ever had sex with someone he loves? Tonight, at dinner, he was telling me how his co-workers introduced him to a gal, who, quite frankly, sounds like she’d be perfect for him. But he doesn’t want anything to do with her! Why? Because her tattoo and nipple piercings clash with his idea of what a woman should be like :rolleyes: ! I even told him he shouldn’t worry about her tattoo since its on her ass and he wouldn’t want to do it doggie style, so he’d never have to look at it! His response, “Yeah, I didn’t really care for that the time I tried it.”
Christ, man, you’re pathetic. You never discussed that with me before, and yet I know that you don’t like it! Ya think that maybe this should tell you something? Like maybe, you ought to listen to me? No, of course not. You see that as an opportunity to bash me because I haven’t been laid in almost two years. (Not that I haven’t had the opportunity, mind you, but she wasn’t on the pill and was allergic to latex, so I settled for fingering her since I wasn’t sure that I’d be able to do coitus interuptus and I didn’t want to risk fathering a child with a gal who might flake out on me [as she later did].)
You stupid, fuck! You say sex is a commodity (and thus justifying the fact that you’ve always paid for it,whilest I never have!), and yet you bitch and moan because you don’t have a girlfriend! Here’s a hint: Don’t treat sex as a commodity and you might get a girlfriend!! You’ve had more opportunities to be in a serious relationship than I have, but you’ve never taken any of them! Why? Because the gals haven’t lived up to your perfect ideal (that no woman will ever be able to)!
God! If I only had the opportunities that you’ve had! I wouldn’t be 32 and still single, dammit!
You bitch that you don’t like the women around here (Which I can agree with to some extent.), and now you’re talking about buying a house! When I say, “Why the fuck do you want to buy a house here when you admit that you can’t stand the women in Nashville?” You say, “Well, other than that, I like it here.” :rolleyes: Jesus, dude! If you can’t stand the women here, then why the hell stay here? Damn! If I could afford to move, don’t you think I would? I might not have better luck somewhere else, but at least I’d be willing to give it a shot! You, on the other hand, are more than happy to rollover and play dead. You’re pathetic.