Grill, or go up to the pub for dinner?

I’ve probably got about an hour to consider it.

The pub will offer s decent meal (I love their bleu cheese burgers), a couple of black and tans, some game on the overhead TV and possibly some conversation. With tip $16-20. No dishes.

OTOH, I can grill up a great ribeye or T-bone with some decent veggies on the side. I’ve given up on successfully pouring a black and tan at home, but I can have a rum tonic or two. I do like to grill, and it’ll cost about half of what a pub meal will. I’ll talk to y’all. And do some dishes.

How’s the weather? If it’s nice outside, stay home. Enjoy the sun-set.

[sub]what’s in a black and tan ?[/sub]

A black and tan is a beer…an ale.

I say eat at home and go to the pub for a BT.

Well, I much prefer having a meal with someone, so I say go to the pub. On-line talkin’ doesn’t count to me.

I love this board. An “either/or” question, and we’ve got three different opinions.

A black and tan is half Guinness Stout and half Bass Pale Ale, poured so that the Guinness and Bass remain separate, with the Guinness on top. Quite yummy.

Well, porcupine’s convinced me, it’s off to the pub. The weather is nice, and the pub has huge windows and many doors that I’m sure are wide open.

Thanks, all.

What a rip off, I didn’t win.


Mmm…have a bleu cheese burger for me. Yummy.