Guess who's no longer homeless?

No, not George W., . . . me!

A short recap of the Batty saga: My wife and I decided to take some time apart, in the hopes of organizing our personal lives and hooking back up later (date to be agreed upon and ratified by a special bilateral accord [shape of table to be determined]).

Then we did it backwards. We gave up our apartment before either of us secured new places to hang our hats. Mrs. Batty found a nice room, in a nice apartment in an expensive part of town. I found zyzzyva’s couch. Which is where I’ve been for the last month or so.

Now, say it with me, “All hail Craigslist.” I had been surfing that damned site every hour on the hour looking for an affordable place for me and my dog. Rotsa Ruck. Unless you’re rich (which I’m not), finding a place in San Francisco that wlecomes dogs and costs less then $1000 a month is a fool’s game. Then I decided to take the matters into my own hands and posted a listing practically begging someone to take pity on me. Wouldn’t you know it, some one did.

I met my new roommate last night and after about a 20 minute chit-chat, he offered me the room. Damn affordable too. I relayed to him the Batty saga, and he is very compassionate to my cause (not worrying that I might be moving back out shortly in the future). He’s an older, ex-hippy, and a down-right outstanding feller. And the apartment is tres cool. It’s an old, redone, warehouse in Oakland. One big, and I mean big, space with sections curtained off for sleeping areas.

So anyway, I want to publically air my appreciation (for karma purposes, of course) to my new roomie for taking a weary traveller in. Not to mention the fact that I think zyzzyva’s roommate was ready to stab me in my sleep. But that’s another story.

:: Jack doing the happy dance ::

Congratulations, Jack, and best of luck to you!

I used to own my own roommate matching service, so I know what an arduous task it can be to find the right match. Glad to know that you did!

Jeg elsker dig, Thomas

Congrats, Jack! I hope everything else goes well for you too.

It was the haircut dude.

Maybe your hair was holding too much negative energy and by ridding yourself of it, you renewed your positive vibes.

Or maybe it was about damn time something went right for you.

Either way, congratulations are in order.

Thank you, thank you.

The Mermaid, I think you may be right. I did feel “different” after my haircut, and I’m a big believer in karma (even if I can never remember how to actually spell it). I just can’t think of what negative vibes were wrapped up in my locks.

Ah well, why ask why?

Glad to hear it, Jack!

Aah, Craigslist… place of wonder.

So when can I come visit?

Congratulations on finding a new place! We just moved about six months ago, and needed to find a temporary place to live with our two large dogs until we could sell our house, so I understand what a PITA it can be. I also thank the cyber gods for the Internet, because I was actually able to get a listing of dog-friendly places in our new city via a relocation site. That saved a huge amount of legwork on our part.

Yay! That is so great, and very cool that you’ll be closer to us East Bay folks. Is he going to let you bring Daisy along(you didn’t say for sure)? When do we get the grand tour?

Most assuredly I will have my little Daisy-Dog at my ankles once again! It goes without saying that this absolutely warms the general cockle area of my pulmonary muscle. And probably Zenster’s too. I’ve yet to inform him privately of my good fortune.

I may be moving stuff in tonight or tomorrow, but the rest of my stuff, which is in storage, I can’t get at until a week from this weekend. Besides, my roommate won’t be in town this weekend, so the next seems to be the official date. Mini-housewarming to follow soon after.

And, slackergirl, I will practically be within walking distance to your place. Well, not exactly, but right next to the bridge (Davis street?) to Alameda.

You know what this means…

Party at Jack’s! Yeah!
(congrats, jack!)

Park street bridge!
But I think I’ll hold off on the big parties until I’ve grown some roots … or until my roommate goes out of town again, whichever comes first.

Yay Jack!!! Congrats on finding a new place!!!

That is great, you are about 2 miles from me and I think that a couple of the bus lines loop around within a block or two every 20-30 minutes or so.

I predict many more opportunities for Snooooopy to kick your ass in the future. :wink:

Guess I’ll have to bulk up, huh? Hey, slackergirl, wanna help me with those special arm exercises? You know the ones I’m talking about.