Gunslinger, a word........

It seems like every time someone has a post party, or a welcome thread, you invariably post:

Good for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, after having seen that a few gazillion times, I only have one thing to say.


It cracks me up every time I see it now. It’s as if the thread isn’t complete without your glib and pointless input.

I think we should make that a Straight Dope tradition, kinda like Hi, Opal! is.

Of course, that’s just me. I’m not sure about the rest of you.

Opinions, anyone?

For a post target thread/post party – yeah. But to welcome someone? A smiley with a tongue poking out? You tryin’ t’ scare off the newbies, man, or what?

As I said on my thread – the Gunslinger’s economical. Kinda like a hatchback, but less mileage. :slight_smile:

I think Gunslinger has already made it a de facto tradition. :slight_smile:

Whew. :relieved smiley: I thought I was in trouble or something. :slight_smile:

Anyway, I’m glad you like it. I usually use a :D, though. And in welcoming threads, I just say “Howdy” or something.

Good for you. :smiley: