Recently I just learned that it is in fact possible for males to ejaculate without experiencing an orgasm, and there’s a name for this condition, although I am unable to recall it off the top of my head. Anybody have any idea how to “fix” this condition.
It happens occassionaly to me if having sex for along time and stopping orgasm with pelvic kegels. I think it is normal. Does it happen to you alot or something?
What is usually called “anorgasmia” in males (and not extremely uncommon) is the unability to ejaculate (and as a consequence to have an orgasm), and generally only during intercourses (as opposed to masturbation) . Not the lack of orgasm despite an ejaculation, which is what the OP refers to.
Right, that is what I had read it was called. My new bf says he’s been like that his whole life, and has only had one real orgasm. Thus far, the only way I’ve come across to find a possible solution is to see a urologist and they can look at a couple different things and figure outl just what precisely is causing it.
I find this can happen if I’m concentrating too hard on holding off my ejaculation. The prostrate overrides my best efforts, and the orgasm winds up feeling diminished, or ‘strangled’. Best I can describe it. I’m also entertaining the notion that orgasms just get less powerful as I get older.
One way that happens is “wet dreams”, where ejaculation has messed the sheets but the sleeper does not recall being excited. Of course that may just be his line to his mother.
Also, it’s quite easy to reach climax with no ejaculation. This is common when climaxes come too close together. Charlie Sheen often tells of legal whoring in Amsterdam, where he kept going even after he “was shooting blanks”.
Any condition that disrups the production or flow of liquid can cause that, including simple thirst.