Half-remembered cat name: Fleaberdes?

My wife and I swear we can remember some TV show or film with a cat named something like “fleaberdes.”

Or Phleaberdes. Fleeberdes. Something like that.

Google is no help. You guys got anything?

It’s a long shot, but maybe you’re thinking about Fantomcat? That’s the only cartoon cat I can think of who has a kinda-similar name.

Almost certain about the last syllable (“dees”), reasonably certain about the middle (“ber”), and we think it starts with “flee” or “fee.”

It could just be some weird false memory, but what kills us is that we both are pretty sure we remember it, certain that it is not some real life cat, and were sure the first time one of us mentioned it.

Well, Bell Book and Candle had a cat named Pyewackett …