Dear lord, but this is funny :
I’m probably going to hell for laughing at someone’s attempt to deal with grief and loss, but this one has me in hysterics. I think it’s the vaguely satanic head radiation that’s been added.
This one has a certain charm, too.
Well, everyone has their own way of dealing with grief, obviously.
But yes, superimposing Jesus so that he sticks out of the bushes at your wedding is definitely silly.
And just try to tell me that isn’t Robert DeNiro playing Jesus!
Mph…they really should have gotten an unknown for that part. Who’s going to believe DeNiro is saintly? "Are you Christians talkin’ to me?
Hey look, it’s the Anglo-Saxon Jesus!
Seriously … why is He always portrayed as a white guy, when chances are He had not-black-not-white-but-pretty-dark skin?
(I seriously know people around here who think He was white rolls eyes )
Re: the pictures, the dog one got me.
Jesus isn’t even looking at the bride and groom!
Are you suggesting he’s ogling the bridesmaid, Twisty?
gasp I…can’t…breathe!!!
The one that particularly gets me is this one:
He’s got that “Gawd I feel stupid” look.
“And I’ll take off this Mack truck hat when you pry it from my cold, dead… ohhhhh wait…”
I’ll see you in hell, Larry
August 31, 2002, 7:33pm
Jesus won’t change my diaper !
Oooh, I’m going to burn for that one.
August 31, 2002, 7:35pm
Wow! That screwed up pretty bad. Let’s try that one again.
This is pretty damn funny.
It looks like Jesus just gave this guy a wedgie.