Yeah…I know it isn’t until tomorrow but I have that big presentation to wrap up and I’m afraid I won’t have time to post then so get over it.
Thank you for all that you have done for me and the minions of Sauron in the last few years.
You know most people always say after they lose someone how much they regret not telling them things and I don’t want to be one of those people so…
I love you. You are the kindest man I know and you restored my faith that there were good guys out there.
You gave me the type of experience I wanted when we were pregnant with the tiniest minion of Sauron after I had such a horrible experience before and that meant so much to me. (Not enough to want to do it again mind you, but thank you for making it the way it should be).
You helped me learn to trust people again and showed me that not every man out there is a liar.
You truly showed me that there is a difference in having sex and making love.
You make me laugh and you always cheer me up when I need it.
You treat me like I am the only woman you notice when we are out anywhere.
You stepped in and became a father to my son when his own father wasn’t willing to do so. You are showing him everyday what it is to be a man and you are the best role model I could ask for him.
You love me when I am very unlovable at times and you have shown tremendous patience while we have been together.
So, on your 37th birthday (YES…I KNOW I’m a day early!!) I want you to know how proud I am to be your wife and how much you mean to me.
Once again, my wife mentions all these pseudo-good qualities I have, and not once is the phrase “rippling muscles” used. Nowhere does she mention the fact that I’m the best lover the world has seen since Jack Klugman. Absent is a description of the way her knees tremble and her heart speeds up just from sensing my manly, sexual presence the instant I walk into a room.
And you, Gorgon Heap – this is my birthday thread, and the first thing you do is compliment my wife? Sheesh.
[sub]Thank you, honey. You know I love you, and I appreciate everything you do for me. I’m lucky to share my life with you.
And thanks for the birthday wishes, Gorgon Heap.
lieu, I’m evil! I swear! I’m just misunderstood. [/sub]
Happy Birthday Sauron!
You are my all time favorite poster
And I owe my introduction to the glory that is MAYFIELD TURTLE TRACKS all to you.
God bless Sauron and God bless Mayfield Turtle Tracks
Happy birthday, Sauron, great evil one, Dark Lord and whatsnot. You do realize that your realm will only last until the third instalment of that LOTR movie?
Even me being a newbie and all, I’ve read your work. You’re a funny guy, and you’re a lucky guy. Don’t forget it, don’t lose it, don’t mess up. Happy birthday to you.
Sauron, you’re the first SDMB poster I’ve ever read and said to myself, “I wanna be just like that guy! He’s exactly the poster I want to be!”
First I thought I’d have to kill you so that I could take your place. Then I realized that in your place, I couldn’t eat tomatoes, and that was a sad thing. Also, I’m not moving to Alabama.
I see that many people encourage you to eat tomatoes. I encourage you not to eat tomatoes, and instead to send the tomatoes that you do not eat to me. I mean, you live in an area of the country where they actually have flavor!
Happy birthday. I’ll eat your tomatoes. I’ll even send you Moose Track ice cream for 'em, if I ever find any.
Sauron, I recently discovered that Weight Watchers is going to produce their lightened version of Moose Track ice cream.
I’ve never had the real thing, but after reading about your yen for the real thing, I’m sure it is good. I now can’t wait to get my hands on the skinny version of it. (that’s all I can justify eating, so sue me!)
I have you to thank (blame?).
Happy birthday, man. You’re a nut. And we like it! Oh, and I’m sure you’ve got wonderful rippling muscles, too.