Happy birthday, andygirl! :)

In the Straight Dope birthday thread, andygirl said:

Not being one to pass up an opportunity to celebrate someone’s birthday (what is this? the third birthday thread I’ve started in the past two weeks? :D), I decided that her birthday shouldn’t be buried in the middle of the thread. Instead, it should be brought out of the woodwork, and given its very own thread. :slight_smile:

So, to that end:

Approximate Phonetic Chinese Version of “Happy Birthday”: (thanks, Nathan!)

“Guung juuk nay fook sow yuen teen tsai, hing hong nay sun sun fie lok. Leen leen doe yao gum yut, suuy doe yao gum jzew, guung hay nay! Guung hay nay!!!”

Approximate English Translation of Above:

“Congrats on this good day of fortune, where we can all gather together. Wishing you a very happy birthday. Every year, this wondrous day arrives; Always, this wondrous time comes. Congratulations! Congratulations!”

Here’s hoping you have a wonderful birthday, surrounded by those who love you (friends, family, etc.)… and a great year! I wish you nothing but the best. :slight_smile:


merrilly runs in and out of the thread setting off sparklers and Roman candles Happy birthday! Yaaaaay!

Better make sure you don’t inadvertently create a fire hazard, Matt. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: That just would not do.


I am a fire hazard, thweetie.

All right, if you say so. :slight_smile:


Aww. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, m’dears. Today has been uneventful, really- tomorrow is the big party. I’m having frat house madness and an Evil Dead Marathon.

Would you like to see my boom stick?

Happy Birthday m’dear! I’ll lift a Pint to you in The Duke :slight_smile:

Happy B-day, andy! Here’s to many happy and healthy returns!

Happy birffday! An Evil Dead marathon is a fantastic way to celebrate, y’ask me.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! An evil dead marathon is the ONLY way to celebrate! ENJOY!

[sub]dead by dawn dead by dawn[/sub]

Harpy Bipthday!

May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
And the road downhill all the way to your door.

('cause Irish-- and part Irish-- chicks rule :slight_smile: )

I’m still waiting for my birthday lapdance. You’d think that living in a fraternity would help, but NOOOO.

Evil Dead tonight! Boom stick… heehee…

Hippo, birdie, two ewes
Hippo, birdie, two ewes
Hippo, birdie, deer, ewe
Hippo, birdie, two ewes!

Love ya, my little Delaware shnoogums.


Happy Birthday! I am at the moment partaking in a wee snifter of bacardi and coke, so I raise this one to ya! All the best :slight_smile:

Happy birthday, andygirl!

El Elvis Rojo once proposed an Evil Dead drinking game in which players drank for every gratuitious zoom or blow to Ash’s head, but we quickly realized no one would be able to stay conscious through an entire movie.

Sorry so late, but Happy Birthday Darling!

PSST, Ender: **andy[/s]'s a thespian … you know … uh … she …

Anyway, Yay andy!

::runs through thread half-naked::

[sub]Hey, matt’s in here, might as well give HIM a birthday present;)[/sub]

As Fionn pointed out, I am in COMPLETE agreeance (huh?) with Lux’s Evil Dead* marathon idea. And just because we came to the realization that drinking to every gratuitous zoom would get us completely shit faced within the first fifteen minutes, I never said it would be a BAD idea. and hey, we gotta give andygirl one great evening of drunken craziness before she becomes 21 and looses all flavor for it (yeah, right).