So new that even though it’s a statutory holiday so they normally wouldn’t, I had both mail delivery and garbage pickup. It happened too suddenly for it to make any sense to change the existing schedule. A clever/cheap political ploy in a recent provincial election, so other provinces don’t have Family Day. Too bad, so sad.
Banks and shops are all closed, maybe drug store or variety store are open, it’s likely different in larger metropolitan areas. So there’s not a lot to do, but who doesn’t want a long weekend in February? The weather is horrid, it’s snowing now, but earlier is was ice storm and walking the dog was quite slippy.
Family Day! There is no known protocol of what’s for dinner or who should come. No tradition to adhere to, there isn’t even Hallmark cards. So do what you please, make it up as you go along, that’s my thoughts.
We’ve decided on roast beef and pie!
Hope you’re enjoying your new holiday!
I know it does seem odd. I’m certain it’s only because it’s just that new!
After all, it makes it seem like somehow the other provinces aren’t part of family. Surely that can’t last. This is a bandwagon the rest of Canada is happily going to jump on, I sense.
We here in Ontario, well, what can I say, we’re trendsetters!
I am not trying to be funny, nor whooshing you, I honestly had no idea. I thought it was just a thing Dalton thought up. Clearly I should pay closer attention. :smack:
Well, then tell me, are there cards?, rituals?, protocols? South Africa and Australia too! Well happy Family Day to all of y’all.
Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta and Ontario. That makes us look like a disjointed and somewhat dysfunctional family sort of.
Oh yeah, and let me just retract that ‘trendsetters’ crack, sorry about that.
Down here it’s President’s Day. We celebrate by standing around a bust of Washington and singing presidential carols, then go out and buy a discount mattress at the ONE DAY ONLY!!! sale.
Let’s see, cards, rituals, protocols - well, we sleep in, then we don’t go to work, and we might go out for dinner later. Maybe we could mix some nanaimo bars or butter tarts into the day, too - Family Day Butter Tarts? That work for you?
In Australia I think that it’s celebrated only in the ACT, where its introduction last year to coincide with Melbourne Cup day (under the title Family and Community Day) was much lampooned.
According to the CBC Alberta started the Family Day trend in Canada in 1990. Saskatchewan introduced it in 2006. Ontario has its first this year. Manitoba is apparently celebrating Louis Riel Day.
And I’ll pause here, elbows, for the obligatory remark about Ontario thinking it’s the centre of the universe and therefore must have invented the concept.
I was at work at 7:30am today, generously heping to lug brekkie from Tim Horton’s for the morning crew in our war room (this being a holiday for everyone else in the company, our cafeteria and such were all closed).