Harry Potter's Quidditch team

I just re-read the Harry Potter series, in anticipation of the next movie, and realised that Rowling has a real challenge on her hands: Harry is the only player left from the Gryffindor team who hasn’t graduated! Woods graduated at the end of the third book, IIRC, so did the three Chaser chicks. Fred and George graduated in the fourth book, so who’s left?

OK, maybe Ron will join the team. but who are the other possible Gryffindors?
Hermione? Nope. Neville? Hell no.

So who’s it gonna be? What positions? Any thoughts?

I think Ron’s a definite, probably as keeper. He lives for the game too much to be overlooked as a player plus I’ll bet he dreams up some great plays with his knack for strategy. Maybe Ginny as a chaser, she has had some practice playing at home with her brothers. Possibly Colin as another chaser. I don’t really see Lavender or Pavarti as Quidditch players, so I guess that leaves Hermione as the third chaser unless someone else transfers in to the house. Dean and Seamus as beaters?

I never saw it very clear as to the ages of the three chasers, except for Angelina who was seventeen and able to put her name into the goblet in book four. (She hadn’t graduated at the end of book three btw, neither did Alicia, they were chatting by the fire when Fred asked Angelina to the Yule Ball.) Alicia may still be there in the next book, though I do think Katie graduated with Oliver.

She’ll just invent some new names. I can see Ron Weasley becoming a player, but other than that, we’ll meet some new faces that just never got mentioned in the previous books.

Assuming there ever is another book.

IIRC, the twins are 2 school years above Ron and Harry. they will be in year 7 to Harry’s year 5. But i haven’t reread the books lately (stupid class and work!!) so i could be mistaken.

Ron, I would imagine, will almost definitely join the team. By the sound of it, pretty much every Weasley has played Quidditch at some point.

And I could see Hermione becoming a beater, with her mad geometry skills giving her an edge when it comes to aiming the bludgers and keeping the other team pinned down, even if she doesn’t aim for the kill.

Yeah, Fred and George have one year to go. It’s easy to make that mistake with all the talk of their future in GoF.

So they’re looking for a keeper and three chasers.

How do we know they’re looking for three chasers? Okay, Katie Bell wasn’t mentioned in GoF at all, so I figured she graduated/finished her schooling. Angelina was seventeen and eligible to submit her name in the goblet so she most likely graduated at the end of that book but all that was said about Alicia Spinnet was that she was a reserve chaser the year before Harry joined the team and a good find of Wood’s. It could have been her third year and this will be her last year at Hogwarts as well as Gred and Forge’s. Which leaves them looking for a keeper and two chasers. Ron, Ginny and Colin, respectively with Seamus and Dean as reserve beaters and some second years we haven’t been introduced to yet as reserves for all other positions.