Has anyone else noticed more people masking up in their area (May 2024)?

I have, although it might be due to springtime pollen.

What are other people observing, or doing?

I see a handful of people masking these days. Certainly far fewer than in 2020 or 2021, but I’ve noticed that, from 2022 on, there’s always been a small minority of people still masking. i assume that they are currently dealing with a respiratory ailment (or long-term respiratory problem), are immuno-compromised, or just very very cautious.

So, are the number of people in Chicago and the suburbs masking up higher now than recently? Not that I can see.

I’m in Iowa, FWIW. Pollen central.

I’ve also seen a lot of masks in the protester footage, although that might be a way to make them less identifiable on TV or security cameras.

Not many, but more than zero, which surprises me.
The pollen level here is high.

There has been public announcements in my area (upstate NY) about increasing COVID and health care workers needed to mask up at work.

I saw an increase here (NM) in February/March that correlated to a spike in flu (but not Covid) cases, but that’s decreased. I keep remembering after I’ve come in from working in the yard and started sneezing that an N95 mask would keep pollen out if I’d just wear one.

I’ve seen a little more. I haven’t noticed more masks at doctor’s offices or the pharmacy, I’ve mainly seen people wearing them at the grocery store. I see some old signs about required masking being still on display but being ignored now.

I’ve noticed that there have been many student age people in the coffee shops and elsewhere that continue to wear masks even though I’d have to think they are in one of the least vulnerable groups. I’ve wondered if it isn’t some kind of political or fashion statement.

I see it in medical facilities.
I’ve always have gone fully masked. I did it during flu seasons before COVID restrictions were mandated.
I’m a germaphobe since, forever.

I was just asked today why I was masked. At a pharmacy. I signed “because it’s my choice”
Of course, jerk didn’t understand and hollered “are you deaf, too?”
Ivy gave him a vocal answer “It’s none of your business, how about you leave us alone, okay?”

I was satisfied.

I’ve seen a slight uptick at grocery stores and it’s across all demographics so I take that as a function of those with compromised immune systems and recent talk of bird flue.

Zero change from approximately zero masking around here. (South Florida). It’s rare enough that when I see one in public it’s almost a double-take, as it would have been in 2018 or previous. IOW “What is up with that person?” Then a moment later I think COVID concerns".

I’m not noticing any change. Mask usage is effectively zero.

I saw somebody wearing a mask at the hair salon on Saturday. Probably mid-20s, so it might be for non-Covid medical reasons. I think it’s the first mask I’ve seen in weeks.

I’m waiting to see my ophthalmologist. He sees a lot of elderly patients, so everyone here is masked. It’ll make the field test a bit of a challenge - the mask might get in my way.

Same here. Maybe I see one mask per week.

So pull it down while your face is stuffed in the machine.

You getting an accurate test result is more important than some mostly negligible benefit to random strangers.

I see an occasional masked person in my area, but not very often. Even when the pandemic was roaring back in 2020 and 2021, we still didn’t have great adherence to masking in my area. I live in rural Georgia, which is fairly conservative, and full of covid deniers of various stripes.

During the pandemic, we were one of the few white families in the area that often masked up in public. I noticed a stronger adherence to masking guidelines within the black community in my neck of the woods.

If you put a mask over the flue, you’ll keep the birds out.

I’ve been seeing more people wearing masks outdoors, presumably because of pollen.

The only change I’ve seen is one family at church, who had been masking up but aren’t any more. The reason they were masking was because their grandfather had poor respiratory health, and they wanted to protect him. The reason they stopped, sadly, is that the grandfather died.

Aside from them, I’ve seen almost nobody masked in the past year. They really ought to be more common: I was hoping that we’d follow Japan’s path, where it’s routine for people to mask up when they have a cold or the like.