Has anyone had sex in space?

OK, we’ve already discussed whether anyone has died in space, and I’m pretty sure there’ve been no murders in space, or births in space, so it inevitably comes down to this one.

A while back I heard Bill Maher from Politically Incorrect announcing the news of the first documented sex in space. I missed the details, but I was intrigued. However, after poking about on the Net a bit, all I could find were a bunch of rumors about a couple of married shuttle astronauts.

I also found some speculation about the Russians, who have to stay up there a lot longer than our guys and gals do.

Any help on this one? Has this milestone been crossed? Also, WHERE would they ever do it?? Those things are built compact.

Unca Cece dealt with this: here


try here: http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a4_214.html

That very question is what lead me to this site. I asked it on ask.com, and it referred me to The Straight Dope, and I’ve never left.

Where would it be done, you ask? Well, in the shuttle, there’d be plenty of room in the cargo bay. Hell, even the cockpit could be used. I’m not sure if the seats recline, but if they do, all the more better.

Just think of it this way, if it could be done in an airplane lavatory, it could surely be done on the shuttle, or on a space station. But, a more fundamental question… would they be part of the mile high club?

I guess they’d be in the “150+ Mile High” club.

I once had a friend who worked at the Cape, who told me there’s been sexual activity going on for years and years. Her source was not the astronauts themselves, but the people who clean the shuttles after each mission.

However, I don’t consider her an unimpeachable source, despite her insider status (she has also unironically forwarded unlikely netlore to me which Snopes has easily debunked).

I don’t think it’s easy to maintain an election in microgravity, although of course that’s not necessary for various sexual acts, especially between two women.

What does this have to with an election? Plus, it’s very easy to maintain an election . . . you just have to sue for recounts, then appeal ad nauseum. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, for one thing, I’d elect to watch two women have sex in space!

Speaking of election/erection, I once heard that, on Dr. Kildare (I think it was on Dr. Kildare), the writers were going to have an Asian doctor congratulate someone on his election.

The censors didn’t buy it.

Anyone know if this is a UL?

Whoops! Ha ha! Obviously I meant, “maintain an erection!”

That was a Freudian slip brought on by a joke I recently heard on one of the late-night shows, I think Jay Leno:


“Viagra is to blame for the current Presidential uncertainty. In the past we’ve never been able to maintain an election for this long.”

But getting back to the OP, most people date their suspicions about the first sex in space from the first time married couples went up, or alternatively, from the first time women and men both went up.

Without being too wink-wink nudge-nudge salacious, I don’t see why. After all, many of the earliest astronauts were Navy veterans.