Has anyone heard from Skald the Rhymer lately?

I know he was having trouble reading the board and was going to stop posting, but he did post in some threads after that.

A nice guy.

He responded to a PM in early September. He posted a hypothetical at the end of September. I haven’t heard from him since.

His profile bio says “Time for another little break” but I’m not sure when he updated that. He last posted 10/12/2016. Hoping his break is short.

With excellent judgment.

He never failed to improve a thread with his input.

C’mon back, Skald!

One of the all-time good guys. Hope to hear from him again.

This is really about a poster rather than the board, so let’s move it to MPSIMS.

Didn’t some other poster take over his duties as chief hypothetical scenario originator?

I know he was having eyesight issues; and in one of his last threads, back in October, he said

For more details, there’s last year’s The final Skald the Rhymer thread…until the next one, for those who missed it.

But yes, I would very much like to know how he’s been doing since then.

Also miss Skald and look forward to his return.

I have not, but I do miss him. Come back, Skald!

We can take turns reading posts to you over the phone or something!

Was he the poster who was going blind and couldn’t post anymore?

Community here is good.

I wish we’d hear from him, or from someone who’s in contact with him… if nothing else, just to let him know how much he’s missed.