The issue is being completely overblown by people who seem to think that their personal worth is largely determined by the quality of the phone they’re carrying, and the number of other people carrying the same phone.
I got my iPhone 4 on launch day. If I hold it in my hand so that the corner touches my palm, I do notice a loss of cell signal. This is not new to the iPhone, all cell phones do it. They are essentially just two-way radios, after all. It seems likely that Apple’s external-antenna design makes the problem more pronounced, but in all other circumstances the new design results in improved 3G reception. It is true that, because of the external antenna, it is sometimes possible to cause the phone to completely lose service by smothering it with your hands. This is the tradeoff you get for improved reception when holding the phone normally.
Yesterday I was driving through the mountains, and stopped to take a picture of the sunset in an area I never got service with my 3GS. Lo and behold, my iPhone 4 got service. And sure enough, if I covered the antenna with my hand, it didn’t. If I were to make a phone call here (which wouldn’t be possible at all with my 3GS), I would probably have to be careful of where I touched the phone. I am not bothered by this in the slightest.
Apple’s announcement today was very straightforward. They said that the signal strength display is misleading, showing 5 bars for a very wide range of signal strengths, and then quickly dropping to 0 bars as the signal attenuates. They are going to change the display to more accurately reflect the received signal. This is not claimed to be a fix for the signal attenuation issue, merely an explanation for why the behavior seems somewhat erratic.
People vocally complaining about this issue seem to fall into two camps:
People who don’t even own an iPhone, and take pleasure in trashing Apple because they don’t like Apple products, think anyone that does is a mindless brainwashed consumerized idiot, and are happy to see the company suffer from negative PR.
People who are absolutely obsessed with Apple products and can’t believe that their precious iPhone 4 is not a magical, perfect device designed by angels, but instead an ordinary product involving engineering tradeoffs like any other.
(there is also category 3, consisting of people who bought a stolen Apple prototype, posted pictures of it all over the web, and are pissed they’re being held accountable for the damage this did to Apple, but I’m ignoring them)
In all other respects, the iPhone 4 is fantastic. It is very pretty in person and feels great in your hand - very dense, solid, and precise. The back-facing camera is the best I’ve ever used in a cell phone - it’s almost as good as a dedicated compact point-and-shoot, so good that I’ve scrapped my plans to buy a new small camera. Not sure what you’ve heard online - perhaps people are talking about the front-facing camera? That’s not intended to be used for taking photos, just video chat.
The multitasking is quite nice and well-implemented, but that is available on the 3GS as well. If you haven’t been bothered by the lack of this in the past, you likely won’t care.
The best new feature is the screen, which you really have to see in person to appreciate. Text looks as good on this screen as it does coming out of a laser printer, and the color saturation and contrast are amazing. It makes all mobile other screens (including the 3GS and iPad) look like crap.
The ability to shoot HD movies on the phone is very cool as well.