I haven’t seen my favorite Sunday night Fox comedy yet this season. Both fox.com and tvguide.com list the show on their program guides and make no mention of “hiatus” or cancellation or anything. Which leads me to believe that it’s either in limbo or Fox is holding onto it as a midseason replacement.
Anybody have the SD on this?
I hope so. This was the show FOX screwed Futurama over.
You’re better off watching the original version when it was called The Wonder Years .
Bitching aside, TV Tome would be the best place to look for news.
Actually, it was Greg the Bunny that got screwed over.
My bad.
Carry on.
November 8, 2003, 6:32pm
The show should be a midseason replacement. Look for it in “the second season”!
I think it’s slotted for the Futurama time slot (Sunday @ 7pm ET/6pm CT) once the football season ends.
so you’re saying it’s basically the walking dead…
Hey, unlike Futurama, at least they’re waiting until Football ends , instead of wondering why people aren’t watching a show that’s never on the air.
Stupid Fox. It’s like a mother that gives birth to beautiful, fun, intelligent children, and then beats them to death.
Stupid Fox is right. They should spell it with a ‘u’.
*Originally posted by Menocchio *
**Stupid Fox. It’s like a mother that gives birth to beautiful, fun, intelligent children, and then beats them to death. **
Except Oliver Beene was not that child. He was the ugly, mutant child that was dropped.