Has there ever been a MichiDope?

I searched through the forums for Michigan doper get togethers, and didn’t have much luck. Have we wever had a Michigan doper get together?

How many Michigan dopers do we have here, anyway? I know Gfactor, and Shirley Ujest both hail from Michigan, but what about others?

Anyone interested in a Michigan get together?

Depending on the day and whatnot, I am up for something, possibly.

Oh, and cause I promised, : Hi Crazyjoe!

Have huge gas-guzzling environmentally-incorrect SUV, will travel! :smiley:

Well, I’m in East Lansing. So, in theory, if you come to me…:stuck_out_tongue:


MichiDopers used to get together quite frequently, at least back when Kyla and I and Brynda and her husband still lived in MI. I tapered off over the past couple of years. There are a lot of Michigan Dopers actually. Sorry I can’t join ya this time.

Sounds good to me. Why don’t you all come on up to da UP and we’ll have a grand ol’ time!

I organized a couple of dopefests, and tried to organize a couple more, if you know what I mean. :slight_smile: We aren’t there anymore, but I think Katrina survivor tsarina is back in MI, and Odinoneye and Atreyu were fun 'festers. Now if they just do vanity searches…

There were a couple in Flint, MI in years past. And there have also been at least three in Ann Arbor that I can thhink of.

Here’s the thread for the first Ann Arbor shindig in January '00:

I’m in Michigan (living in Monroe, taking classes in Ann Arbor) until the beginning of January, and I’d love to meet the new Michidopers. Blue Nile or La Shish, anyone? :slight_smile:

Who is bringing the goat?

I live across the border from Detroit. Can I come? I don’t have a goat, but I can bring pie (even though I don’t know why either is suggested).

Sure, we love canadians!

I’m assuming we need a little advance notice, etc, and should I continue the organizing through e-mail, or just post it to this thread?

How do you all feel about Irish music?
barring that, have y’all heard of The Killer Flamingos? They are a good band, we’d just have to find out where they’re playing.

I used to organize some of these, even having some Dopers over to my hovel on a semi-regular basis. However, I got older and crankier, and my cronies are smaller in number, so I stopped. But I miss the gatherings, so I may be up for attending if someone else gets all organizy.

Have tsarina or something tap my shoulder in LJ, because I am seldom in MPSIMS these days and always seem to miss this sort of thing now.

Considering the season, perhaps going to an orchard or screeching our way thru a haunted forest is in order?

I’m all for carpooling, anyone on the west side need a ride?

Oh man the Flamingos are still together? I used to go see them play at Fallsports Lounge in Dearborn every Thursday while in college.

Hell, I remember when they had that girl as the lead singer (now with The Wrenfields).
I’m a ex-pat SE Michigander, living in Chicago, but working in west Michigan. Does that make sense? Has there ever been a GR or K-zoodope?


I’m a Detroiter, but a jobless Detroiter (speaking of, if any Doper has any employment connections for a fantabulously brilliant :wink: recent grad who has two BS degrees (Comp Sci and Humanities) in the Detroit area, lemme know! ;)). A Michidope would be neat, but I think it’s completely out of the question for me until I get a job. :frowning: