Have you ever ID'd another Doper?

As someone you actually knew, somebody you had “met” before on another board or as a public figure?

I recognized matt_mcl, at least I’m pretty sure I know who he is at another website, though I’ve never met him in real life.

I knew a certain Doper from two other boards, though she posted under a different name. She made herself known to me via a PM.

I’ve recognized several Dopers on other boards I frequent. Of course, it helps that they kept the same screen name. :smiley:

Yep. There’s a poster here who has posted at a local blog that I also post at. I’m 80+% sure it’s the same person.

I’d been hemming and hawing about emailing a girl on OKCupid and was about to ask for advice about my dilemma in the Online Dating Advice thread (a thread in which I was very active at the time). Literally, right before I was about to ask my question, through an odd coincidence, I realized the girl I had a question about was another doper, also very active doper in that thread. :smack:
We did end up meeting IRL a few days later.

A few Xmases ago, I ran into a guy at SantaCon/Santarchy. I forget now how we figured out who we each were, but it was cool.

I know Shot From Guns from a long-defunct website. I didn’t realize it until someone linked to an old photo in her Livejournal in order to win argument points.

It was Shot From Guns for me to.
She has been around these parts in a long time.

SamClem ---- once I read a couple of his responses it was easy to see where our paths had crossed IRL. Although we haven’t seen each other since then. Hmmmmmm – makes ya wonder :smiley:

The reverse for me… an old friend of mine who lurks here knew who I was an followed my posting history but I had no idea until just recently that she even knew about this place.

Same here. A few because of the same screen name and one or two because I read a post here and thought “Wait a minute…didn’t I JUST read this somewhere else?”

The closest would be becoming more aware of Jim Beaver after he wrote his reply to the George Reeve story. I realized what a good writer he is and not just a character actor. I don’t think he has posted here after that but I follow him on facebook and enjoy his reviews of old movies.

I met several Dopers at the one Dopefest I attended. No way I would have known them if they hadn’t identified themselves.

ETA: I meant that before he posted here I knew Jim Beaver as “that guy” afterwards I was tuned into who he was and took note of him a lot more.

Yeah, I met Clothahump at a Houston gathering and after he gave me his business card I realized he’d dated my sister in th 1960s.

I’ve run across a couple of OKCupid profiles of dopers, and not from the threads on the topic.

I was chatting with a friend-of-a-friend a few years ago and the subject of urban myths came up. That got us talking about snopes and I mentioned the SDMB. She knew someone else who posted here, and told me the screen name, but I can’t remember it anymore.
If any of you used to know a librarian in Oregon named Jackie, PM me.

The IT guy at a company I used to work for registered here, presumably after monitoring internet usage of the employees. It was his exact email address minus the @etc.

I once also caught him with a Star Wars page up on his laptop - a page I semi-regularly visited.

Not directly. It became clear through some threads a long time ago that anu-la1979 and I worked within two blocks of one another and also were on the subway at about the same time, so it was very likely that we had crossed paths prior to meeting in person as Dopers. But I can’t prove it.

He had THAT on his business card? :eek:


I suppose it’s better then:

John Smith
Systems Analyst, Initek
I banged your mom.

Some dates are more memorable than others.