Have you ever known a sex worker?

Wow, some interesting stories. This one was most interesting.

I just wonder how they labeled the source of said “income”?

I’m fairly good friends with a young lady who does the sugar baby thing from time to time. I wouldn’t say ‘is a sugar baby’ since she has a life and identity aside from her sexual/romantic choices. I don’t know if that counts.

A former male prostitute. Was neither proud nor ashamed of it, did it because of the “easy” money, remembered the period as a good time (because of the money and festive lifestyle), didn’t like doing it.
In fact, as much as I’m in favour of legalizing (or liberlizing where it’s already legal) prostitution, I’m pretty certain that the number of prostitutes who like their job is vanishingly small.


It sort of depends on the definition of “know”. In college I new one girl (through my house mate) who did escorting, somewhat high class I guess. I just new her as a friend of my housemate, but sometimes after a bit of wine some stories were shared.

Then I know quite a lot of girls through the normal way in which a man would know a prostitute (yes, exactly as it sounds). Depending on the definition of “know”, it is between a handful up to several thousands.

The girl in college seemed to like it and also liked the income during college.

The other girls pretty much exclusively for the money, although some turn out to actually really like it and don’t even want to think of doing anything else. For many of these girls, they make (much) more in a day than they would otherwise make in jobs that are available to them. It’s not desperation per se, but a very real way of improving your life or your family’s life. I just heard from one of the girls I consider to know a bit that’s she is pregnant and probably won’t be returning, half a year earlier than she had planned but the house is almost finished and there are two cars in the driveway.

The girl in college definitely wasn’t ashamed and didn’t mind people knowing and talking about it. I kind of think she thought it cool of herself to be open to this kind of thing.

I would expect very few of the girls I know to be especially “proud” of doing this job. Quite a few have pride in the job and want to do things well. Many are proud of providing for family or improving the life they can offer their kids. It’s probably not something they’d put on their resume back home, but that might have more to do with society.

The girl in college drank wine and smoked marihuana sometimes. But this was in the Netherlands, so what student doesn’t.

Drugs are used, but I’m pretty sure none of the girls started working in the business to finance their addiction. You don’t move thousands of miles to start working in a different country if your goal is to score money for a quick fix. Other types of abuse can be very hard to pick up on. I can’t really remember ever noticing anything like that, but then again: they often want my business. I won’t presume to be able to read all of them correctly.

As I’m sure is true for most garbage collectors. I think a very large majority does like the pay they get for doing the job and would be pissed if they couldn’t do their job anymore. There are quite some girls who do like the job, or at least with some customers. The list of prostitutes I know that at one point had a long term relationship with a former client is too long to remember.

Personal insults aren’t allowed outside of the Pit, Tuxie. This is an official warning. Don’t do this again.

This is not a comment on the mod action or anything.

But it is very telling (for our society) that implying that someone is engaged to a “smart, incredibly nice, amazingly thoughtful” woman “that you just want to hug”, can be both intended and perceived as an insult. Solely because she once was a sex worker.

I had a high school classmate who became a gigolo in Reno. He was an impossibly gorgeous young man, but with no acting talent he wasn’t able to catch on in LA. On a whim, he went to Reno and was ‘acquired’ by an older lady there to await a divorce decree. She treated him well and gave him references when she left to go back from whence she hailed, so he easily fell in with a second woman. The cycle continued. He ‘retired’ from the life at 40 or so, got married, and is now raising 2 children.

He never got into drugs, nor agreed to anything weird sexually - or so he’s told me. His clientele wasn’t looking for that sort of thing.

I don’t think he regrets it and it doesn’t seem to have produced any problems in his marriage. He works as a personal trainer now and used his gigolo earnings to buy his business.

Not much of a cautionary tale in his case, I’m afraid. lol

Bet she gave you quite the discount! What’s it like being the caboose in that train?

Knew one through my significant other, back when she still took on odd jobs. The hooker was one of her regular clients; I went along as an assistant for one of those jobs while the hooker was busy with Juans in the back room.

That’s the “who” and “how”, I have no answer for the others being as I did not know her very well. Can’t even recall the name.

I knew an exotic dancer who was not above giving handies in the back room. That’s about as mild as it gets on the “sex work” scale, but that’s the only person I’ve known who admitted to current activities of that kind.

I’ve known quite a few more who used to turn tricks. Mostly ex-junkies.

I’ve known several, male and female. I also know two porn actresses. I only know for sure that one of these people has/had a drug problem. One, a female relative (escort), is doing it for the travel, cars and fast life she brags about it. I assume the same of the other two, they’re always travelling. IIRC I asked the guy friend (former drag queen or whatever the word is these days) once and he replied he liked sex, it was easy, and had met more than one former boyfriend that way. He may have had a drug problem too, he died a decade ago.

The drug user (now former, both prostituting and drugs) was turned out by her dealer. Or rather that was how that particular scumbag went about building his stable. Only she seems somewhat ashamed of it.

I don’t know either of the porn actresses stories.

I’m genuinely curious who it is? Your fiancee? Maybe your sister or something?

Sex therapist or sex counselor.

That was certainly my first thought!

Yes, I have known one escort (highly paid prostitute) and another woman who starred in a couple of porn movies (mostly softcore). Both of them did it to pay for college. The starlet felt ashamed of it, the escort, not at all. They were both very good friends and very stand up people in my opinion.

Not really on topic, but I have also known several phone sex workers and strippers. Nice people all.

Or, likely, entertainment services – “therapist” may be regulated, depending on the state you live in.

I was once stationed at a remote military base in Asia. I’ve known dozens of sex workers. After an ORE (dating myself there) the IG leaned over to the Commander and said, “How does it feel to live on the biggest whore house in Asia.”

As a servicewoman I didn’t move in the same sphere as the sex workers. But I felt sorry for them.

Their life was hard. I remember being the OOD in Base Ops when I got a call that the ex-Ops Officer’s girl friend had committed suicide after he stopped sending her money to take care of their son. I suspect there were more suicides, but she did it by walking into the ocean from the base beachfront. It was hard to ignore that.