Why do I love Haw Flakes so much? Is it that fact that they’re $1 for a huge package? Is it the fact that you can lick them and they’ll stick to anything? Maybe it’s that the listed ingredients are: Sugar and Haw.
[sub]Mmmmmmmm, Haw…[/sub]
Anyone else addicted to these coin sized, fruit rollup-like bits of heaven?
We threw a Chinese New Year’s party last year, and our Cultural Advisor insisted we buy a huge bag of haw flakes. She and I made total pigs of ourselves. I even hid a pile of them in my room during the party so I could keep some in my coat pocket over the next few days.
Oh man. I may need to run up to Pearl River Dept Store in Chinatown today.
Haw Flakes are a round, disc-like candy that taste sort of like fruit rollups. They’re supposedly made out of Hawthorn fruit, and deemed unsafe by the FDA. It’s surprisingly hard to find info about them online. Hawflake Boy had a good site, but I haven’t been able to access it for about a month. (http://members.nbci.com/hawflakeboy/, if you want to try)
And CrankyAsAnOldMan, I don’t think we’re talking about quite the same thing, unless his crusted-off eye goo tastes sugary. [sup]Ew, that disgusted even me. Sugary eye goo… Blech[/sup]
Me and a friend of mine once ate a huge package of Haw Flakes and half a jar of peanut butter. Once you eat a few of them, it’s hard to stop. I was sick for days.
then years later, one of my brothers and i discovered a bunch of little packages that looked like coins rolled up in a cookie jar. they were haw flakes and we were excited because we remembered them and hadn’t had them in ages. but, BLECK!!! i don’t know what i was thinking when i was younger YICK! say no to haw flakes NO! pocky is much tastier! or that white rabbit milk candy mmmm