HBO's Rome 2007: is this Jesus?

put that in a spoiler box dude

You’re kidding. Aren’t you?

Caesar was assassinated on (when else?) the Ides of March. This puts it right before Passover, notwithstanding differences between the Roman and Hebrew calendars, not to mention changes between the Julian (ha!) and Gregorian calendars. The title of the episode is probably a reference to that, especially since it seems that the new season picks up immediately after the assassination. There will probably be a relatively large role for Timon, the horse trader and Atia’s Jewish lover.

From the previews we know the new seasons starts

within a day or so of when the last one ended.

Et tu, bean?

I took it that he was just correcting me; ‘common era’ does indeed appear to be the most common usage, with ‘Christian era’ being an alternative, but less popular.

…wait! Did I miss the Disneyfication of the Roman Empire? I watched the whole 1st season and missed Timon the meerkat?!? Do we get to visit with Pumbaa the flatulent warthog, too? :eek:

Timon. You may not recognize him without Atia on top of him.

Open spoiler: all the characters end up dead.

How do I know this? It’s set 2000 years ago. Duh.


Yeah, though I can see the attraction of “Christian Era” and “Before Christian Era” being that it means the same thing as BC and AD, but is more internally consistent (ie: one half isn’t in english and the other in latin).

AD has caused a bit of confusion all by itself during my childhood because I (and many of my classmates) thought it was short for “After Death”, and started with the Crucifiction, which of course just screws up the whole calendar and assumes that either Jesus went from a babe in a manger to a full grown dude on a cross overnight, with some wine in between, or that there were about 30 years that nobody bothered to include on either end of the year 0.

That said, if I use CE/BCE (which I’ll randomly interchange with AD/BC without giving any thought), I’m thinking “Common Era” and “Before Common Era”.

Ciaran Hinds played Brian de Bois-Guilbert in the 1997 BBC miniseries version of Ivanhoe. And stole the show. Ye gods, he put on one intense performance.

yep. for reference see post nos. 13, 16, 29 and 30.

I come to bury spoilers not to praise them

“Caesar” also put in a very nice (but more understated) performance in Munich

Getting back to the OP, could it be that Jesus is actually

the son of Ceasar and Cleopatra?


Not sure if this is a serious question (or why it’s in a spoiler box) but, no, Jesus cannot have been the son of Julius Casar and Cleopatra. Mostly because they were both dead when Jesus was born. (Caesar died in 44 BCE, Cleo around 30 BCE).

And the identity of Caesar and Cleopatra’s son is well known, in addition as to there being no reason why the son of a Roman dictator and an Egyptian queen should be a Jewish prophet.

Maybe I’m being whooshed, but if so, it was a pretty obscure joke.

Yes, but if that was Jesus, he may or may not come back… :smiley:

I really hope they don’t bring Jesus into all this. They’ve messed with the time line enough, and that would be just too much.

I share whole bean’s confusion about what belongs in spoiler boxes. I mean, technically, when we were discussing S1, should we have spoilered Caesar’s death? It seems to be pretty well-known how, when, and why it happened, but there might be people who don’t know who would be shocked. These historical fiction shows do open up some questions in this area.

Also, have to note, this might be the most humor-impaired thread I’ve ever read on the SDMB, in terms of whooshing. It’s a bloody wind tunnel in here.