Hello all

…got bounced here from another site, started reading, and, well…here I am. Looks like a nice place, mind if I hang out a while?


Hi Sky (I love to rhyme!)…

Welcome, pull up a chair and put your feet up! Or run away before you get hooked… your choice!:smiley:

Welcome aboard, mate!

Welcome Skydyvr!

FYI…when you announce your gender to us Dopers,you will get flirted with and then some. That’s just how some of us are :slight_smile:

well… it depends. do you have any ignorance we can stamp on.

because if you do, you’re more than welcome. if not, ummm… well, I suppose you’re still welcome.



[sub]you’ll either learn to fear or avoid me very soon, so don’t worry[/sub]

Nice of you to drop in.

Hehe…drop in…I sooo get it…

Anyway, greetings and well met. Just mind the crazies and you’ll do fine.

Did I mention we’re all crazy here? You, me, everyone…all crazy.

You must be crazy, or else you wouldn’t have come here, he said, quoting alice in wonderland.

WELCOME! HA HA HA HA… oh wait, maniacal laughter is saved for later, when I tie you down and… well, you’ll see…

Well, I certainly wasn’t expected THAT quick of a reply…or replies, in this case…especially at 6 am (yes, I’m in Europe…) and I thank you all, anyway!

in re: gender…thought it said in my profile I was a guy? <hmm…checking…yep:guy> :smiley: And flirting is ‘keine problem’, so to speak

‘dropping in’…that could HURT…how about if I just kinda ‘swoop’ in, instead?

I’ve always been crazy, but it’s kept me from going insane…to quote the old song…

Ignernt? Hell yeah, I can get ignernt…but it usually involves large-scale ingestion of tequila…or Shiner bock.

Last but not least…Totoro…I SURELY hope you’re a woman! :smiley:

Oh, my!

I can see how people get so many posts in on here…lol

as for ‘why’…why not?

I think I also failed to mention that if you go that way, there lives a mad hatter…anyway…

Along with our sanities committing suicide, our common sense and dignity went along with it…well, at least with me.

Good point…but after all, I’m already insane…I jump out of planes! But WHAT a rush it is…<sigh>

Birdman wingsuit style?

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Nah… more like ‘no brakes on final, take a double wrap and SWOOOOOOOOOOOOP it in’

…then run it out and pray I dont fall on my face…LOL

And can SOMEONE please tell me just WHY I’ve stayed up ALL DAMN NIGHT (and morning)reading this board? :slight_smile:

Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my forum?

Oops … sorry … that was the EvilEuty.

::: takes happy pills :::

Hi there!

Bienvenue, skydyvr!

LOL…hi euty… I’m a fuggin newb…got a problem with that? LOL j/k

Cajun man…comment ca va?

It’s because we’re so fantabulous.

I do feel an obligation to share some valuable lessons I learned during my time here.

[li]Do you go to school? You might as well drop out. You are never going to finish that paper anyway. The minute you turn on your computer you will, against your will and better judgement, think, “I’ll just catch up, see what’s going on, and maybe just say hi.” After four and a half hours you’ll realize that you missed lunch and you’ve still not written a single word. Except to post of course.[/li][li]Do you work? See above, but add a furious boss who wants to know what the hell he is paying you for anyway.[/li][li]You’re married? You’d better have her sign up too, in a just a week or so she’ll wonder why you’d rather sit in front of the computer than make sweet love to her. After she’s signed on, you can be mushy and lovey online.[/li][li]RL Friends? HA! What do they really know about your life? And who needs 'em, your Doperfriends is all you need. You can’t wait to get to the next Dopefest.[/li]
So welcome! You’ll love it here!

PS. You’re a Eurodoper? Where from?

Well, I’m from Dallas, but in in Bosnia with the military right now…so I guess I qualify!

Work? I’m at work right now, LOL… there ARE some advantages to working a single man site…I’m my own boss…