Hello and good-bye

I’ve read and posted here since the 90s. It’s been a good run. I’ve been around since Satan posted and was banned. Actually before then. I still like the Opal jokes. I remember when they started.

I remember when Ukelele Ike tried to court Eve in a mannered way. I remember when CK Dexter Haven was just a poster.

I even remember Tengue when he, she or it used to post on snopes. I remember anthracite before she changed her name and became an adviser to the Cecil.

However, I can no longer habit a place that has become nothing more than a Stormfront in sheep’s’ clothes:

That’s a General Questions thread. Not a Great Debate nor BBQ pit. Those are the comments that pass for objective in General Questions. In case you don’t care to click the link:

“Israel punished the families of Palestinians accused of terrorism by destroying their homes.”

"Is Isreal officially at war with the Palestinians? If not, then it’s a criminal punishment, regardless of whether it’s carried out by the army, the police, or the girl scouts.

I don’t recall the basis for this - whether it was court ordered, or (more likely) executive order from the military occupation authority. Also, legally, can a person be convicted of a crime if they are already dead? Since from what I recall reading the news, the “punishment” happened only a few days after the bombing, I doubt there was any significant legal proceedings, unless it was one of those fast and loose military tribunals.

RC, the process was that the home of a suicide bomber was bulldozed. In that culture, many people live with a larger extended family, so it was deliberately punishing the family (since most of the perp was not around to punish). It was an obvious attempt to dissuade sucide bombers, but for some reason flattening the house of a dozen innocent bystanders seemed to instead make the Palestinians even more anoyed at the invaders. Seems whether the bomber owned the house or not, whether in fact he had actually lived at his registered address recently, etc. was irrelevant data in the decision.

I don’t recall the basis for this - whether it was court ordered, or (more likely) executive order from the military occupation authority. Also, legally, can a person be convicted of a crime if they are already dead? Since from what I recall reading the news, the “punishment” happened only a few days after the bombing, I doubt there was any significant legal proceedings, unless it was one of those fast and loose military tribunals.
Nope. We’re talking about codified law. Got a cite from the Israeli criminal code to back up your assertion?
No we are not just talking about codified law. See the OP and post #17.

It is amazing how someone can always find a nitpick to prove that Israel has never ever done anything wrong.

I’ve read and posted here since the 90s. It’s been a good run. I’ve been around since Satan posted and was banned. Actually before then. I still like the Opal jokes. I remember when they started.

I remember when Ukelele Ike tried to court Eve in a mannered way. I remember when CK Dexter Haven was just a poster.

I even remember Tengue when he, she or it used to post on snopes. I remember anthracite before she changed her name and became an adviser to the Cecil.

However, I can no longer habit a place that has become nothing more than a Stormfront in sheep’s’ clothes:

That’s a General Questions thread. Not a Great Debate nor BBQ pit. Those are the comments that pass for objective in General Questions. In case you don’t care to click the link:

“Israel punished the families of Palestinians accused of terrorism by destroying their homes.”

“Is Isreal officially at war with the Palestinians? If not, then it’s a criminal punishment, regardless of whether it’s carried out by the army, the police, or the girl scouts.”

“I don’t recall the basis for this - whether it was court ordered, or (more likely) executive order from the military occupation authority. Also, legally, can a person be convicted of a crime if they are already dead? Since from what I recall reading the news, the “punishment” happened only a few days after the bombing, I doubt there was any significant legal proceedings, unless it was one of those fast and loose military tribunals.”

“RC, the process was that the home of a suicide bomber was bulldozed. In that culture, many people live with a larger extended family, so it was deliberately punishing the family (since most of the perp was not around to punish). It was an obvious attempt to dissuade sucide bombers, but for some reason flattening the house of a dozen innocent bystanders seemed to instead make the Palestinians even more anoyed at the invaders. Seems whether the bomber owned the house or not, whether in fact he had actually lived at his registered address recently, etc. was irrelevant data in the decision.”

“I don’t recall the basis for this - whether it was court ordered, or (more likely) executive order from the military occupation authority. Also, legally, can a person be convicted of a crime if they are already dead? Since from what I recall reading the news, the “punishment” happened only a few days after the bombing, I doubt there was any significant legal proceedings, unless it was one of those fast and loose military tribunals.
Nope. We’re talking about codified law. Got a cite from the Israeli criminal code to back up your assertion?
No we are not just talking about codified law. See the OP and post #17.”

“It is amazing how someone can always find a nitpick to prove that Israel has never ever done anything wrong.”

I am not so ignorant that I think that Israel has never done anything wrong.

I also am not so ignorant to sniff the stink of anti-antisemitism. I have no use for it

See ya

Wait, what? Neo-nazis love Jews now? I have got to keep up with this shit better.

So you are leaving because one thread important to you went south according to you? Good luck hanging out at the youtube and 4 chan comments section. Those people just luv the Jewish people. IME here there are tiny fraction of Jew/Israel haters but all in all I think most people here are very pro Jew. Besides some questionable Oy Veh jokes on my part I know I certainly am.

You been here all that time and this is the first time some posts offended you? WTF dude. We had a resurrection from the dead today. Get a little perspective.

Wait a minute. Anthracite is still here? I thought she was awesome and I’ve missed her! There’s so much about coal I still don’t know. :frowning:

Huh. And I thought oliversarmy was here to stay.

I’m equally annoyed by anti-semites and anti-anti-semites.

Although I gotta give the edge in “get the fuck off my planet” to people who go around looking for the slightest excuse to claim any form of racism or bias in others.

Thanks for putting the image of a neo-Nazi dressed like a sheep into my head. I’m smiling. Hopefully you are too, now.

Wow, grow thicker skin. I’ve seen some ridiculous posts here over the years which is one reason I’ve never joined; I didn’t want to get all worked up because I was somehow emotionally involved in a thread.

This was a sad pitting.


<moderation>I’ve merged threads, as the OP started two threads with the same post and title.


You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello hello
I don’t know why you say goodbye
I say hello


That was cute.

He could be in palestine
Overrun by a chinese line
With the boys from the Mersey
and the Thames and the Tyne

You’re quitting because you read something that offended you?

And it took you twelve years and 15,000,000 posts to find something on this board that you regarded as offensive?

Honestly, you should be embarrassed that you stayed this long.

Okay Mr. Sensitive.

Yeah, she’s Una Persson now.

:rolleyes: Crybaby.

For Pete’s sake, it actually is a seriously disputed question whether or not Israel’s policy of house demolition is an illegitimate form of collective punishment. As Terr notes in the linked thread, there are considered arguments on both sides of the issue; but merely bringing up the issue as a proposed example of inflicting legal penalties on a criminal’s family does not automatically make one an antisemite.

Yes, it is certainly offensive and GQ-inappropriate to insinuate that anyone who disputes such a proposed example is merely a knee-jerk pro-Israel jingoist. But if that’s the level of offensiveness that has you throwing a tantrum to the extent of actually taking your ball and going home, I’m only surprised you didn’t fall by the wayside years ago.

Just report the offensive inappropriate post and get over yourself.

THAT is what precipitated this? No, really, THAT?!?!? It was a couple posts in a more general thread. However, based on your idiotic overreaction, your double posting, and that you have lost the ability to quote properly after being here thirteen-plus years, I’d suggest you lay off the sauce. Drunk posting rarely goes well, in my sometimes-limited-by-Little-Ed-himself experience.

Wow, you think you know a person…