Help Identifying a Horror Vampire Movie

So there is this vampire horror movie that I have been curious about, and would appreciate it a fellow Dopers can lead me to its identification.

I saw this movie at a hotel where my family were staying at in Santa Barbara, California back in 1996 when I was nine years old. It did not seem very old, if I had to date it as far my memory goes, I would say it does not predate earlier than the middle 1980s. Either later 1980s or early part of 1990s.

Now to the scene and I will do my best to describe it.

The scene was indoors, but NOT a home, more like a large building. Somewhere with a cold atmosphere, think like a mental or regular hospital and according to my childhood recollection, there was a small group of young people trying to I guess, escape or find their way.
They come across a woman who according to my hazy memory, was either a delivery person think mail, UPS) or medical worker. They speak to her and I remember this very vividly-the camera pans to side of her neck, revealing two bite marks. This denotes to the viewers that she is a vampire. The group of young people go inside another room after they are done speaking with this woman, and she places her ear to the door to ty to listen. I should mention this woman’s hair was rolled up.

Another scene I remember is this young man of about late teens to middle 20s with dark hair, lying on a hospital bed( which leads me to believe it was a hospital) and he removes the sheet from his face and he clearly is a vampire.

If I had to wager a guess, I would say this was not a classic and instead was a forgettable movie with no famous cast members. I could be wrong.

Do you have any suggestions as to what this movie may be?

Saturday the 14th?

Thanks, but that was not it.

My Best Friend is a Vampire?

I have seen this before, but no its not that. But the movie I am thinking of must be of the same mold.

Thanks and sorry for the late reply.