Help! Italian is attacking my father's email inbox!

My father got part of one of the Pope’s encyclicals or something like that. And I can get some bits of it, but I know very little of Italian grammar, nuances, etc. So I’m going to post the thing here, and hope someone can give me a better translation than the garbage babelfish gives.

Doing a google search, by the way, turned up nothing. I have no idea if this is copyrighted or not, so if a mod gets worried feel free to edit most of it out and I can email the text to people willing to translate it. Or if someone knows of a website where I can find the translation, I’d be muchly grateful. The entire text of the thing is massive (it was more than a full screen single-spaced), so I’m just putting part 2 in here.

So here it is, in all its Italianness:

2.Dopo il Grande Giubileo dell’Incarnazione, la celebrazione del nono centenario della morte di san Bruno acquisisce oggi ulteriore rilievo. Nella Lettera Apostolica Novo Millennio ineunte invito tutto il popolo di Dio a ripartire da Cristo, per permettere a quanti sono assetati di senso e di undire battere il cuore di Dio e il cuore della Chiesa. La Parola di Cristo, “ecco, io sono con voi tutti i giorni, fino alla fine del mondo” (Mt 28, 20) invita tutti coloro che portano il nome di discepoli ad attingere da questa certezza un rinnovato slancio nella loro vita cristiana, forza ispiratrice del loro cammino (cfr Novo Millennio ineunte , n 29) La vocazione alla preghiera e alla contemplazione, che caratterizza la vita certosina, dimostra in modo particolarre che solo Cristo puo apportare alla speranza umana una pienezza di significato e di gioia.
Come dubitare, allora, per un solo istante che una simile espressione del puro amore dia alla vita certosina una straordinaria fecondita missionaria? Nel ritiro dei monasteri e nella solitudine delle celle, pazientemente e silenziosamente, i certosini tessono la veste nuziale della Chiesa ,“pronta come una sposa adorna per il suo sposo” (Ap 21,3) essi presentano quotidianamente il mondo a Dio e invitano l’intera umanita alla festa nuziale dell’Agnello. La celebrazione del sacrificio eucaristico costuisce la fonte e il culmine di tutta la vita nel deserto, conformando all’essere stesso di Cristo quanti si abbandonano all’amore, al fine di rendere visibili la presenza e l’azione del Salvatore nel mondo, per la salvezza di tutti gli uomini e per la gioia della Chiesa.

Okay, I am going to take a stab at this. Bear in mind that I have only had about a year and ahalf of italian, and I am a little rusty. This is what I have for the first paragraph:

After the high jubilation of the incarnation, the celebration of the ninth century anniversary of the death of Saint Bruno, we have today final remarks.

(that was almost directly translated, so the syntax is pretty rough)

In the pontiff’s letter, I invite all people of God to start again from Christ, for the many that have a thirst for meaning and to beat the heart of God and the Church. The word of Christ, “here I am with all the people, until the end of the world.” He invites all those that carry the name of disciples to gain from this certainty a renewed start in the Christian life, the inspiring force of their journey. The calling to the prayer and to this contemplation that characterizes the life of the monk, shows the particular way that only Christ can bring the people hope of significant fullness and delight.

At they have a translation link that
includes Italian to English.

Okay pun, second paragraph. This one is worse than the last. :slight_smile: Thanks to MrC for the definition of tessoro and help on the first sentence.
Do not doubt for a second that a similar expression of true love gives the monk an unusual fertile mission? In the retreat of the monastery and in the solitude of the cellars, very patient and very silent, the monks weave the bridal dress of the church, “ready as a wife dresses for her husband,” he presents the world daily to God and they invite all of humanity to the nuptial feast of the lamb. The celebration of the eucharist sacrifice costuisce (to appoint, to constitute) the fountain (probably an idiomatic use) and the ultimate of all lonely life to be one with Christ and one of many full of love, to the return of the visible presence and the action of the savior of the world, for the salvation of all the men and for the joy of the Church.
That is really rough, but hopefully you can extract some of the meaning. Hopefully some scholar of Italian will come along and clean it up. :slight_smile:

I asked a friend of mine at work to try and translate the message and here is what he came up with:

Wow. It’s so obvious now! I had better get myself back to italian class. :slight_smile: Adam, you and your co-worker rock.