Help Me Attach Mannequins To My Body

You know the old act where a performer attaches dummies to their body with rods so that they all move in unison? You may recall a one man Jackson Five in the grifting episode of the Simpsons. I’m almost done making the mannequins. I have rod substitutes. Then, I realized that I had no clue how to arrange the rods so that the whole thing would work.

I tried various search engines. But, since I don’t know what this act is called most results have been for entries in the _____ For Dummies series.

I appeal to my fellow Dopers for help. Does anybody know what this routine is called? Can anybody help me arrange the rods so that I and three mannequins move in unison? I’ve been planning this costume for months, but managed to overlook this until just now.

I so love you good doctor.

Please, please, please keep up the Great Work.

You are still my hero.

Simon W. Moon ksc

PatriotX: Sorry, you just Whooshed me. Explain, please?

I think that my previous goal was impossible. I wanted to attach the mannequins and retain full range of motion. While I’d be happy to be proven wrong, I don’t think such a set up is physically possible. In normal walking, one leg goes from behind the other to in ahead of it. Moving one leg past another is impossible when both legs have rods attached.

However, a more limited movement is possible. If the rods go on the front of my right leg and on the back of my left leg, we will walk in unision. I move my right leg forward, them bring my left leg even with it. Using the same placement with the rods on my arms limits motion (arms cannot pass each other, arms cannot be held even with torso, etc). But, the mannequin’s arms will move when mine do.

No Whoosh.
I’ve long been an admirer of the Doctor’s. I found joy in seeing a thread about attahing mannequins to one’s body.

Perhaps if you attached @ the feet and just attached the left leg/foot of the one on the left and the right leg/foot of the one on the right you dould use the gravity from a slight lean forward to get the unattached leg to fall/drag forward?

Yet, as is oft said "“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.”

Mainly I felt whoosed about the :“Simon Moon” part.

Are you the Simon Moon?

I am what I am.
Simon W. Moon ksc

This photo might help

Just curious if you were the same Simon Moon that ran ShareReactor

I am not Christian Riesen.

Thank you very much. But, I was planning on lining the mannequins up side by side to reflect the film.


Last night, I put one pair of mannequin legs in a pair of jeans and strapped them to my waist with two old ties. I used the drawstring in the Scarecrow’s sweatpants to attach his legs, facing backwards. At first, the Scarecrow’s feet dragged the ground. I fixed that, but was worried I’d made them too high and that people would not see them sticking out of my trenchcoat. Most people couldn’t. I entered the Kwik-E-Mart. There were fits of giggles as people noticed the extra legs. I checked for damage caused during the walk from my apartment under the guise of scratching a stubborn itch. A man standing a few feet away spotted the extra forward legs.

“Dude! You got an extra pair of legs!”

I responded with confusion “You mean I have eight legs?”

“No, dude! You have four.”

“What? First you say I have an extra pair. Now you say I’m missing a pair?”

I counted my legs. This allowed me to reveal the rear pair he had missed.

“Hey, how 'bout a foot rub?”

“Umm, thanks. But I don’t swing that way.”

“Dude! What a killer costume!”

“What costume?”

“You have six legs.”

“I know that. They’ve been there every day of my life.”

At this point, his girlfriend intervened. She explained that he’d had too much to drink, and that she was very embarrassed. I could hear them as they went to a neighboring aisle. The man was smarter than I’d given him credit for.

“It’s a costume. But, the best part is that he’s so frickin’ serious.”

They ended up just ahead of me in the checkout line. During that minute or so, he attempted to convince her that my additional legs were fake or to get me to break character and admit it. This led to my convincing another man behind me that I was born with six legs, and elementary school had been very dificult as a result.

Before he left, the man said “I’ll lay down a hundred dollars, that if I lift that coat I won’t find six legs.”

Again I told him “I don’t swing that way.”

Absolutely mortified at the way he was treating a man with the misfortune to be born with four extra legs, his girlfriend dragged him from the store.