Help Me Choose A Haircut!

Okay, so here’s the scoop. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon at a real salon. This will be the first time anyone besides myself, my sister, or my best friend has cut my hair in about the last decade or so. Therefore, I really want to make the most of it and get something a bit more exciting than my usual “trim off the dead ends” haircut.

Here is a photo of what my hair looks like now. As you can see it’s got a bit of a wave to it, and frequently shifts between frizzy and almost ringlet-y. I am wanting something easy, but not old-ladyish. I have a young son, so I don’t want something that’s going to require a lot of maintainence. To be honest, I don’t even own a hairdryer or curling iron (hot rollers do it for me when I really need to glam it up). So keep that in mind.

I don’t think I want to do anything super-short, but I’m keeping an open mind so if you want to try and convince me, I’m listening.
I actually kind of like the one on the left here.

I like this one too, but frankly, it looks like a lot of work.
Same with this one.
And this one.
You get the idea. :slight_smile:
And while I have a captive audience, what about the color? Darker? Lighter? Leave it alone?

I need input. The pressure’s killing me! Give a girl a hand, will you? Any comments or feedback will be considered.
Thanks in advance (I hope)!


I like the last hairstyle you showed us the best. It looks fun yet sophisticated. I think that with the hair you have now, it would work really well. It might also make it look thicker. As for the color, you can try a shade or two darker. No more than that. And don’t lighten it any. Please, let us know how it turns out and give us pictures of the end result!

You’re probably not going to like this but I like it how it is the best. If I had to choose one of the three new ones I’d take the second one. I don’t like the last one at all.

The color is fine how it is too. If you must change it you can make it a bit lighter.


OK, I can see now that this is going to be interesting- we’re all going to have conflicting views. I think it should be darker and the last hairstyle. Haj thinks it should be lighter and the second hairstyle. I have the feeling that in the end, we’re all going to have conflicting opinions and you will just have to decide for yourself.
Oh, and one thing that I wanted to say…I think that the darker hair would look good because it would accent your eyes better.

I think your choice of the “same with this one” link would look beautiful on you. I also think you should keep the same color as you have now.

Very pretty girl that belladonna :slight_smile:

I think you should go for something a bit shorter, a nice bob with bangs would look good.

First, get a bowl . . . :smiley:

Just kidding. You look lovely, and I’m sure whatever you choose will look great.

I like the last one. The others are too straight. With your slightly wavy hair, you’ll have to use a lot of styling products to achieve the same look. But the last one looks more carefree.

My opinion goes the other way, I’m afraid.

I seriously dislike “the one on the left”.

Okay, in my opinion, you need to get your hair straightened and layered. Try not to get a medium-length fringe [bangs…whatever you Americans call them] as it’s extremely annoying [always having to move it away from your eyes]. A too-short fringe can look pretty gross too if it doesn’t suit your face. Layering it will make it thicker and give it more body. Straightening it will save you from spending too much time styling it in the mornings. Just wake up, brush your hair and hey presto.

The colour needs to be stronger, I think you’d look gorgeous with a nice darker red, maybe a crimson. Yeah, definately.

This thread is better suited for IMHO. I’ll move it for you.

Cajun Man - SDMB Moderator

Hmmmm…now I’m even more undecided.
Actually, I’m taking all suggestions under consideration and appreciate everyone’s advice–dreamer especially seems to be a very smart girl (hahaha).

Hillbilly Queen brings up a good point about my wave interfering with straighter styles, but I’m not sure straightening is something I want to do. I kind of like how it separates into little ringlets when the humidity peaks.
Although, I hadn’t even thought of going red before, and now that’s running around in my head as an option too, Broken Doll.

I had pondered a bob, lothos, but wasn’t sure if it would make my face look too fat. How short were you thinking?

haj–thanks for thinking it looks good now…ok, upon checking, you didn’t really say it looks good, just better than the others. Well, I’m taking it as a compliment anyway, and you can’t have it back! :slight_smile:
Five hours and twenty minutes to make up my mind. And don’t worry monica, I’ll definitely post pictures of the end result so you can all tell me if I’ve totally blown it. :smiley:

Thanks, Cajun Man, sorry it was misplaced.


Cool, Belladonna - I think that a darker red would suit you with any style you choose :slight_smile: Even if you don’t go a DARK red, a red would suit your colouring and face.

Oh, I never even thought of red…That could be really pretty. If I were you, I would go for a reddish tint though…Definately not a red-red.

If it’s a real salon, ask the hairdresser for advice. They see a lot of hair and a lot of faces and should be able to give you sme input.

I wish I had enough hair to do something interesting with. Mine has very little style, but it’s fast and easy.

Oh - I like the reddish idea, too. I’m a sucker for red hair.


I think it looks good the way it is. Don’t change it.

The results are in.

Like **StGermain ** suggested, I spoke with the stylist for a bit and told her the factors I was looking for. We decided on this.
The pics a little dark, but it’s a layered bob that kind of brushes my shoulders. Sort of a longer version of choice #4 above. I only got the semi-permanent color, and I’m kind of glad because it came out just a bit darker than I expected.

I don’t know how I feel about it yet. The stylist said it makes me look younger, but I think she just wanted a tip! :slight_smile: (yes, I tipped her)

Anyway–thanks to everyone for your helpful advice. Couldn’t have done it without you, of course. :wink:


I like it! - It brings out your eyes. Congratulations!


Wow- that’s a great haircut! My hair is similar to your ‘before’ style, and I’m looking at new hairstyles too.

You look fantastic!!

(Sorry I didn’t vote before, I actually just now saw the thread)

Whoo-hoo girl! You look Awesome!!. I have to agree with StGermain on how the cut and color brings our your eyes too. Verra, verra nice :slight_smile: