Help me decipher my vague Christmas present hints

Around two weeks ago, I was made aware of the existence of a present meant for me. Since then, I have received only vague, generally useless hints from the giver despite my best attempts to get info. I have tried asking nicely, begging, and even a pitiful attempt at reverse psychology (hey, it works on my 3-year-old niece).

Here’s what I have so far:
-Transportable on an airplane (limits size and possibility of it being an illegal something or other…not that I would want an illegal something or other) :slight_smile:
-When the giver shook it by the phone, it made a noise similar to the noise a dvd makes when it is in the box and shaken.
-It has two of the letter “e” in the name.

I now put it to you, oh Wise Ones. Please help, it’s driving me crazy.

Oh, this is trivially simple!

You are getting the DVD of “Serenity” for Christmas.

Well, that’s what I want…

Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka, clearly.

OOH! “A Weevil Family Christmas!” I love that movie!

However, if the shaking over the phone occurred more than a little while ago, it’s probably not Serenity. It just went on sale today.

The shaking happened about a week ago. I’m not sure it is a dvd, though. Is there something else that sounds like that when shaken?