Help me find a new nose

We already have two, and they’re both in the bedroom, on top of our monitors.

So. NO.

Damn, baby, I’d suck on that nose all night long!

Okay, that was crude, sorry.

My ex got hit by a car when she was a kid, and had to have some reconstructive surgery. I guess they figured that while they were in there, they’d make the nose more “attractive” (which translates to “buttonlike” in many people’s imaginations for some reason).

So I never saw her with her original nose, but I saw a couple of pictures and, although I never told her, I liked her old one better. It sucks to say that, because she couldn’t help having been hit by a car, but little tiny noses never did it for me. Little girls have little noses. Women have woman-sized noses. This is nothing against small-nosed women, it’s not a value judgement, just a matter of taste.

So, yeah, none of my business if OpalCat wants to get her nose done.

But if it were put to a vote, like if she were a statue in the public square or something, I’d vote “nay”. And save the “neigh” jokes, it’s too obvious to be funny.

some therapy, and some body image work… YES
a nose job… NO

MissBungle - she has already decided to do it. She’s also working on herself in other ways, and feels that a nose reconstruction will make her look more attractive.

Hey Opal, I’ve kind of considered having mine done too - I can email you a pic in the next day or so so’s ya can see what I’m talking about (my mug is not something I’m going to post on the net, though :wink: ) - keep me updated, would ya? It’d be kinda fun having a nose buddy to go through this with! :slight_smile:

You know, I thought I was the only person thinking about nose sucking thanks to this thread and Opal’s pix (esp pic 1 with the profile). And it’s not something that has ever occured to me before.

I think Opal has tapped into my latent rhinosexuality.

Hi Opal,

I’ll chime in with everyone who thinks your nose is beautiful.
Looks a lot like mine, BTW, and whatever I dislike about my looks, not my nose.

But I agree with CuriousCanouk that you should do what makes you happy.
So far, no new insights, but here comes one: I had major liposuction X-mas 2001 and X-mas 2002.

I build up my hopes, like “wait till after the surgery, then I will look good!!!” In hindsight, the anticipation was when I had most fun.
And although I did look better after the surgery, the euforia lasted 3 months and then just wore off. I just got used to it. Not like : “how beautiful I am now” but (when looking at old pics) “geesh, did I look bad then!”

Won’t you just get used to your new nose within 6 months and find something else to be unhappy about? There is just no end to it. It’s all in the mind and surgery is the wrong tool to change the mind.

Not that I will follow my own advice…

Ok, so you’ve decided to go ahead anyway, so my last remark was beside the point.

Can you give some specifications about what women (with facial build similar like yours! otherwise the proportions wont match) you find attractive?
Then we can go nose-hunting.
How about Meryl Streep f.i.?

That a valid point, I guess I read too much into your comment. Sorry.

Howsabout this one?

You’re welcome.

Although I think you have a great nose, Opal, I just wanna say I’m not trying to convince you NOT to do it. When I determined I wanted to lose weight, everyone said “Why? you look great! You’re not fat!” Fifty pounds later “Oh you look great! What a difference! Sleep with me you fabulous bastard!” (I might have misheard one of those.)

So yes, your nose does look fantastic as is, but if it bothers you that much, more power to you.

some may argue that your vanity is ugly… (it woudl be a lot cheaper to fix that, btw)

Sure, email me a pic :slight_smile: Nose buddies!

MissBungle: I saw a psychiatrist weekly from age 4-17, and for the 14 years since then have seen a psychiatrist every few months. Please tell me what else I need to add to my therapy regimen before I’m allowed to want a small bit of cosmetic surgery–and please also tell me if this same level of therapy is required for everyone who wants a nose job, or if I’m just special.

No harm. Sorry if I came off as snappish, btw.

Well it isn’t so much that I want X nose as it is that I want a nose with X qualities. I like noses that have a more sculptured shape… mine is sort of like a blob. It looks like someone was making my nose, and then whatever they were doing sort of melted and sagged. Also, the weight of my nose is all in the tip, which is big and round. Looks lame as hell.

[And to clarify something from your previous post… I don’t think that a nose job will suddenly make me devastatingly gorgeous or anything… it’s just that my nose has bothered me since forever. Sort of like someone may want to have a big mole in the middle of their forehead removed… not that it will transform them overnight into something they weren’t already… just that something that annoys the crap out of them will be gone. On a related note, long before I can afford a nose job, I AM going to have this stupid mole on my nose frozen off. Even if it didn’t make me look like a storybook witch with a wart on her nose, it has started growing and changing in the last few years, which is apparently a “bad sign” mole-wise.]

(is it just me or is it really funny that the same person told me that I needed body image work AND that I was too vain?)

I hope it’s just you.

Body work and therapy can help quell your vanity. Help you become at peace with your body.

A pyschiatrist primarily gives out scripts for meds. Not many do much therapy.

As you spend yoru time on earth shopping for you new nose, seeing surgens, presently disliking your nose, healing from surgery etc etc etc… you are aware that someone is going through chemo and radiation, someone is so grateful to be alive, someone else is so happy to be able to have a nose to smell with, someone else is volunteering…
forget it.
it’s disgusting. shopping for a new nose. think not only of your actions… but for the message it will send children in your life. something is different about me… i MUST CHANGE IT.
I can’t believe adults are treating their bodies like a pair of jeans.

Is no one just happy to be ALIVE and healthy anymore?


I know exactly how you feel OpalCat.

My case was a bit different perhaps. I had no opinion about my nose until I was 14 when people started talking about it. Jokes, comments, observations. Even when I was well into adult life people would make nasty little jokes. Over and over and over, the same jokes. Probably it was the reaction during my teen years that warped my brain. I started to hate my nose’s shape. I felt awful knowing someone was seeing my profile. I was sensitive to people’s opinions. Still am.

So I had an operation. Some people asked “why???”, others said “you had a beautiful nose, you didn’t need to change it.”

But now I never think about my nose. No one ever comments about it. Nobody who knew me before realizes that it has changed. The surgeon was subtle and clever. I am free from my self-doubt about it. I don’t think 100 years of therapy would have changed my feelings about the old nose. I feel thankful.

That may not make sense to other people, but I’m the one who has to live with me 24 hours a day.

The only thing I would do differently is to have it changed slightly less – but it’s not a problem. I guess I’m saying go for the smallest change that will work, as opposed to a major renovation.

By the way, I think you are an incredibly pretty woman. If I saw you on the street I’d stop and stare if I could. Yeeow, you are a babe. Woof woof!! Howwwwl. Pant pant. I’m not joking. You look hot, girl.

Since you’ve asked what we think
then I guess I suppose
that it is an excellent idea to freeze the mole of your nose.

You can’t hide it behind ribbons
you can’t hide it behind bows
once that mole begins to get hairy and grows.

As for advice towards your potential new noses,
have it put on the front of your face
that where the proboscis goescis
And be sure to get one that honks when it blows
and one that hangs icicles when it snows
and one that you will follow wherever it goes

Make sure you get one with nostrils big enough to insert your left toes

Order one with three gallon per minute snot flows

Yet make sure it looks good when you strike a pose or have to appear as a guest host, or just do a cameo
on late night tv, or the David Letterman show.

If you do not like your nose, that’s your right I suppose, but if you don’t want criticism, don’t ask, that’s just how it goes. Before you posted this that’s you should’ve nose.

The should-of-knows is the only new nose you need, in my opinion, you nose?