Help me find a new nose

Your feelings aside, OpalCat is having nose reconstruction surgery. She asked for help, not criticism or comparisons to those in cancer treatment. Your opinion is likely more suited for a pit thread.

[David Addison et al]
“We’re looking for a man with a mole on his nose.”
“A mole on his nose?”
“A mole on his nose.”
“What kind of clothes?”
“What kind of clothes do you suppose?”
“What kind of clothes do I suppose would be worn by a man with a mole on his nose? Who knows?”
“Did I happen to mention or chance to disclose that this man that we seek with the mole on his nose, I’m not sure of his clothes or anything else, but the man is Chinese, a big clue in itself.”
[/David Addison et al]

Nope. We’re all too busy worrying about other people’s noses and self-images and chemotherapy and whether or not our children will grow up to be surgens (those who rise and move in a billowing manner).

Sheesh. The girl wants a nose job, not a psych profile.

Well, you know best. Amazing that they call it therapy, though, and those sessions are so long, and we talk about so much.

I sure hope my time on earth is longer than the time it takes to occassionally muse about my nose and to post a MPSIMS thread. Recovering from nose surgery, or so I hear, is actually more like having a sore nose while going about your life than it is a whole event all by itself.

But don’t let me stop you–please! Give me more of your pompous and condescending lectures. They’re ever so droll.

Exactly. Thank you :slight_smile: (you are everything that is wrong with America’s youth, mind you–won’t someone please think of the children!–and let’s not forget about those cancer patients, but still…)

There’s no need for that tone.

If you post about a hot button topic (such as elected plastic surgery), you shouldn’t be surprised when people display dissent. As long as they do so politely, I see no reason to stop them from voicing their opinions.

Lots of people have posted you shouldn’t go ahead with the surgery because your nose is beautiful. You obviously disagree with them as well, yet you don’t lash out. MissBungle also opines that surgery is a bad idea, but for different reasons. I see no reason why she would deserve so harsh a reply.

So, if you feel you must go down that road, I suggest you do so in the Pit.

I would suggest you set up a planning visit to a plastic surgeon to discuss your future surgery and what you want. The doctor can tell you what he/she can do for you. I’ve seen shows where the surgeon can make a computerized version of what different noses will look like on your face. I would think this visualization would be extremely helpful. The strange thing is to me that in each of the pictures, your nose looked different!

how on earth is “I want a nose job” a “hot button topic” ??? And I was no less polite than she was.

Honestly I think that the notion of female body image (and by body image…I would include facial features) can be a topic that solicits strong opinions.

I have no real opinion about someone (you or anyone else) getting rhinoplasty…but I have seen much discusson on the boards about female body image and related issue…so I could see how your post could be viewed through that lens.

Gosh I can’t believe people get so worked up about someone wanting elective plastic surgery. What’s wrong with a healthy, grounded mature person wanting to look their best??
I am a successful, happy, healthy 27 yr. old girl with a womanly body that has stretch marks and moles all over it, and stubby legs with cellulite and the only thing I’d ever consider changing with a surgeons help would be my NOSE. I have disliked my nose since I was in junior high. And I’m gonna change it one day.

Opalcat, like you, I’m unhappy with the tip…I have a wide-ish bridge and a rounded tip…and I think “BULBOUS” when I think of my nose. All I want is the cartilage shaved. And that’s all you need too, I bet.
I’ve had 2 consultations and the second doctor was awesome. He’s gonna thin out the cartilage and shave a lil off my bridge bump.
You want a BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEON. Period. And a doctor who has a fellowship in cosmetic surgery is a plus also. Hopefully, you live in/near a big city with lots of dr’s to choose from who have websites you can browse. Research your doctor like he’s gonna perform heart surgery. Find out the license # of any cr. you’re considering and perform a search of medical boards to find out any mars on his/her records.
Good luck and happy nose hunting!

Your nose doesn’t look that bad but if you don’t mind spending the money to do it, and it makes you more confident, then by all means you should. Lets not be naive here, people treat people differently based upon their looks and their confidence. If by getting this surgery done, Opal improves her looks and thereby her confidence, then any amount of money is worth the benefits she will see in her life. Most of the posters on here think of cosmetic surgery and think of Michael Jackson and the horrors coming from his experience. (but then again he only got two surgeries right?) However, in most cases, the patients are usually quite satisfied with their results.

Personally, I can relate. I am a seventeen year old guy who had such messed up teeth it really wasn’t even funny. My upper teeth had huge spaces between them, the teeth themselves being very small, so that it was really a hopeless cause. If I had gotten braces to move the teeth together, then the spaces would be at another part of my mouth, plus as I said the teeth were small and they still would have looked strange. My smile was so horrible that not only did I never smile, but i hardly even opened my mouth when i talked. I adapted my laugh so I didn’t even open my mouth. (maybe this sounds extreme, but my teeth were really that bad) A little over a year ago, I got veneers, extremely expensive porcelain caps that are permanent (not covered by insurance). Was it worth it? I don’t have a before picture, (i tried not to let people take pictures of me smiling) but here is an after picture.


The difference in my confidence and behavior was incredible. Because I could now smile and laugh with confidence, my personality actually improved because of it. I guess my point is if you think you can get the same results, Opal, then you need to do it.

Don’t read “Ester gets a nose job,” an early chapter in Pynchon’s V., until after you get yours. But then DO read it and you’ll be all the more amazed at the whole procedure.

Send us some ‘after’ pics, too. But then, I think the ‘before’ ones are quite striking and beautiful, too. Have fun. :slight_smile:

Yeah, like Opal would stop posting pictures of herself!:wink: :smiley:

I have one thing to say to you, Kalhoun… GAAAARRRRRRRR!!!

Your nose looks fabulous in that picture! :smiley:

I’m sure you expected the full range of responses you’ve gotten in this thread, so I’ll resist from repeating them apart from saying it’s your money, your nose, and your prerogative to do whatever the hell you want with it. Good luck!

That is hilarious!
Now, back to the nose. Are you looking for a different “type” of nose, or the same type, but in more…how do I say this without sounding like a butthead… manageable dimensions? I’m thinking that the latter will be relatively simple to do, as you won’t need to create a new base – just kind of manipulate the one you already have. And it will still go with the rest of your face!

She wants to look like a monkey. I’ll bet.

I have a little Swedish-type nose. It’s very non-descript. I’ve always wanted one that was slightly more angular or something.

All I have to say is this in regards to a suggestion:


Ok, really now.

One suggestion and a comment:

Since you are good in photoshop, why don’t you ‘try’ different noses on your face?
See what looks good.

and my comment:

When I was younger, I had a few moles on my face. I hated them with a passion. I felt ugly and genuinely believed I was ugly. This was pounded into my head by a certain brother who never missed a chance to tell me how ugly I was. I actually believed him.

But I digress.

My parents always gave me an excuse for not having them removed. My dad was (is) the ‘be the natural you’ type. When I went off to college, I went to a dermatologist and had them removed. I was shocked that it was only 100 dollars.
I seriously thought it would be thousands.

I know they say that you shouldn’t place so much emphasis on finding happiness through the sugery, etc. Opal, all I can tell you is that in that one afternoon I felt like a 51278 ton weight had been removed.

More power to you. Find happiness where ever, however you can.

I’ve dabbled in photoshopping my nose before, but not extensively. The profile is pretty easy, the head-on view… not so much. Here is a really quick, very small one that I did in 1999 to show someone… keep in mind this is about a 2 minute job and isn’t so much “how I want my nose to look” as it is “my nose looks better shorter”

To answer Kalhoun: I don’t mind the top part of my nose, I just want to take off some length, and maybe give the tip more of a “shape” rather than “blob” … so basically nothing too different from what it is now, just smaller and maybe a little more defined.