Help me find a thread

A guy thinks someone on facebook was a woman he had a one-night stand with and she has a kid that might be his. IIRC the words “drunk” and “skank” were in the OP. He eventually decided that it was his kid even before any paternity testing.

I was searching to see if there were any updates and I’ve tried every search I could think of and can’t find the thread. And now I just want to find it so I know I’m not a search-idiot.

The best search tool for Straightdope is Google:

Just add various relevant entries like facebook after

I found why you can’t find it - What happened to the ‘Should I contact her’ thread? - About This Message Board - Straight Dope Message Board

(thread disappeared. Mods say PM them to ask why!)

I thought I had lost my search mojo.

I’d like to know if it was deleted for legal reasons or for being a troll.

Once you lose it, you never get it back.