Help me find a youtube video: Building piles of rocks using reverse-filming?

years ago, one of the first youtube videos I watched was a guy appearing to build rock towers telekinetically from rocks strewn about on the floor, only touching at the last moment.

It was impressively done, with decent backing music and the actual reversed sound of the rocks being pushed over.

On a few occasions since then I’ve tried to find the video again. But I Just haven’t been able to.

So does anyone remember the video? And do you still have a link to it or know how to find it?

No to all of the above, but sounds interesting.

Something like this?

That’s the one!

I have no sound on my work computer, and it says the audio track has been disabled. Does it still have the reverse rocks sound?

Wow, that black guy (the one who did the first trick) is pretty good at the walking-backwards thing. Usually, when someone walks backwards and you reverse it, it looks really weird and unnatural (an effect used in some horror movies and the like).

this version has audio:

(I also have a copy of this in .mov if anyone wants it - 22 megs)