Help me find good websites to look at!

Hello all!!

I have a job with quite a bit of down time. Occasionally I go to websites with lots of reading material. It helps me pass the time, and they are sites that I can go back to and read things when I have the time. The main site that I go to from day to day is The problem is that they only add a new story about once a week, and at this point I’ve read all the true crime stories… That is, in fact, how I stumbled onto the Straight Dope website. haha I read almost every archived question and answer they have on this website before I ever figured out there were message boards. haha

Anyway, I just wondered if anyone could recomend a few sites for me to read!!

Thanks for your help!


So are you in prison? :wink:

Check out The Litrix Reading Room - Discover what we think about the latest released ebooks, is it really worthy or yet another scam Sear our database to find your ebook and our review

Lots of reading there! :slight_smile:

Okay, so I’m plugging for my own site here, but it is really intended to be a boredom killer so…Six Degrees of Nothing.

I’ve been slacking lately, but there’s still a lot of neat stuff in the archive. (OTOH, I have no idea how big my archive file is now. Been meaning to trim that into chunks…)

Always something interesting (repulsive, humorous, etc.) there.

History House is good if you’re looking for an irreverent look at history.

I guess that Project Gutenberg is pretty much the ultimate reading material archive.

My favorite site spaceweather will let you know when you can view the Northern Lights, Leonid, Haley’s etc…

I can’t believe nobody has mentioned The Onion.

Ever read all of Cecil’s archived columns? If not, it’s a great way to waste an evening.

Go to my Weblargh (in my sig) and there are a cubic ton of links in it…some from Fark, some from Metafilter, and a bunch that I’ve found or that other people have sent me. There is quite a lot of really good reading material in there. (Tooting my own horn, yeah, but it’s true.) On the sidebar there are also some bigger sites listed that have lots and lots of articles.

type any word you like into a search engine, or make up a word, or just hit the keyboard randomly and follow the links you get back.


Use your imagination!

If you like the irreverent try I found it from this site a great place to find weird and interesting stuff. (the skeptics dictionary) Huge list of definitions, essays, etc… and huge number of links. - a ton of verified links on any number of subjects. A great place to get lost.


Fun and silly dog stories - no humans allowed! Bad Dog Chronicles

Be sure to look at “The Ratings”

Awful but compelling site:

One of the funniest things I’ve read lately is Henry Raddick’s reviews.

Hilarious offbeat stuff follows (with a healthy dose of whacko insanity.)

And last, but not least, the TRUE STORY of the MOON HOAX.

Romenesko’s Reading Room - A “news of the weird” type of site that seems to be refreshed twice a day.

Interesting tidbits from public record.

This guy decided to cease activity on this page, but there’s some funny stories in here that can burn an hour or so.