Help me ID this song

I’m afraid I haven’t got much to go on:[ul][li] Electronic music/synthesizer, female voice (kinda like Dido or Sade), very dreamy quality[] Verses consisted of only a couple lines repeated (though each verse had different repeated lines). Only snippet I remember: “syllables into words” (or something like that, 2nd or 3rd verse). [] Verses not in major key, and had a gradual descending line. Midtempo at its fastest, but also a little busy in terms of its production values[*] In the middle–a bridge perhaps–there was a spoken word part by a man who sounded like he was talking from a radio broadcast (slight staticky interference). His lines were also repetitive, including “Thank You [something something]”[/ul]Heard this at a party, and since everyone nowadays simply plays a zillion MP3s on shuffle, no real way to narrow it down at all. So that’s all I got… :frowning: [/li]
Help! (I really liked it, as you could tell; found it quite catchy)


You should’ve archived it, guy.

:sniff: I didn’t want to spoil the party, so I went…

(and I know that’s not the song)

Sounds like it could have been Mazzy Star, or Mono, or Alpha.

Or a group from this decade that sounds like those groups. (The aforementioned ones are from the 90’s - I’m not too on top of the cutting edge lately.)

This is a WAG here, but figured it couldn’t hurt to post. Could it be eminem featuring Dido, with Stan? Here’s Dido’s Thank You as well. Is it something like those?

Or Portishead or Lamb or maybe even Sia, Curve, or Goldfrapp…

I’m afraid you’re going to have to try to remember more of the words, ArchiveGuy.

The male voice wasn’t rap (neither was the female’s), and I may not be “hip”, but I haven’t been living under a rock :stuck_out_tongue: , so no, it’s not M&M/Dido.

I thought the thing that was particular about the song was the News Announcer Guy acting as a bridge. No singing, or even talking much in tune. And the sound quality was definitely altered to simulate that staticky sound for his bridge. I thought this alone might narrow things down a bit, unless it’s become a standard artistic convention nowadays.

I also have no idea what the level of popularity of this song is. Still, thanks for the help…here’s hoping someone else might be able to add something more.

I’ll listen to a couple of the other suggestions born too late and elfkin477 suggested–since this is such a longshot anyway, I might as well see if any of those might resemble what I heard (to help narrow things further for the masses).


Your description sounds like Tricky’s Black Steel , which has a staticky spoken male bridge part…