Help me identify a video game

The spouse and I are trying to remember the name of an arcade video game we used to play in the '80s. It might have been a console game later, too, but it was definitely an arcade game first.

All I can remember about it was that it was a fighting game from a Japanese company. The fights took place in a wide-open space with a high ceiling, and the fighters would start out on opposite sides of the screen. The fighting involved a lot of leaping around, from one side of the screen to the other (your character could make it across the whole screen in one jump, usually leaping up close to the ceiling). I think it only had like one joystick and one or two buttons, so it wasn’t complex. I have a vague memory of the characters starting out facing the player, in kind of a bowlegged fighting stance.

I know this isn’t much to go on, but maybe it will trip someone’s memory.

Some of the description (especially the jumping) reminds me of Yie Ar Kung Fu, but the levels are outdoors, as far as I remember.

Assuming your memory is faulty on some parts, Karate Champ is the game in the 80s where the fighters had that bowlegged stance. The game had two joysticks though and no buttons. A leap could take you far, but not across the whole screen, maybe about a third of the way.

Yes! That was it! Though I could have sworn it had a different name when I played it. That was definitely the game, though. I remember the music and the characters.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Moved Cafe Society --> the Game Room.

Was just thinking about “Karate Champ” and other similar games in this recent thread Trying to identify an arcade game circa 1985 - The Game Room - Straight Dope Message Board