Help me identify this music.

It’s just a short portion of a soulful groove they sometimes play between segments of the Chicago Tonight show. It starts at 9:29 and lasts for about 30 seconds. Unfortunately it cuts off just when the horns come in. I’d really love to hear the whole thing.

Eweh by Soup

Did a youtube search for that and it’s a pretty nice groove, but that ain’t it.

My guess is that the music was made just for that show by some of the local talent.

Yes, that’s quite possible as it does have a Chicago soul feel to it.

The dude Paris Schutz (sp?) on that show is a piano player, and had a hand in writing the theme music. It wouldn’t surprise me if he knew about the music used on the show. I wonder if you could contact him via WTTW?

I tried Shazam and SoundHound, but neither of them recognized it.

Yeah, I think Bobot got it right. Must be written specifically for the show and unobtainable. Guess I’ll just have to settle for 30 second soundbites.
I would be surprised if it was written by Paris Shutz though. I know he’s the “composer” of that godawful opening theme with a crappy trumpet repeatedly playing 4 notes up and down the scale.

Ask him on twitter maybe?