Back in the 80’s and 90’s, my mom collected the Avon nativity scene, where you bought the basic set (mary, joseph and the baby jesus with a stable), and every year added the “piece of the year” - this year an angel, next a camel, etc. Eventually there was a crowd scene of epic proportions. It got me wondering-
If we included every visitor to the manger from movies, television, song and other popular media, who would have to be in the scene? Off the top of my head:
-The little drummer boy (how annoying would that be around a newborn).
-The next stable over would have to be included with Brian and his mom.(Monty_Python’s_Life_of_Brian).
-Martin Sheen wandering around, looking the other way, lost as the Fourth Wise Man.
-The time traveling ghost of Jimmy Stewart, I mean Mr. Kruger. (Mr. Krugar’s Christmas)
-Luanne’s Manger Babies (King of the Hill)
You left out Santa…when I was a child, I was given a book and figurine set. The figure featured Santa kneeling next to the manger; if I recall, the story was something about Santa getting depressed and being magically transported to see Baby Jesus.
I remember once being somewhat confused by the Aesop fable of the dog in the manger, because to my knowledge a manger was the thing baby Jesus slept in.
According to this, you need an ox and a donkey,* a musical shepherd, a couple of women (to bathe the baby), horses (for the wise men), and Satan (to raise questions about the whole virgin birth thing).
*Isaiah 1:3, “The ox knows his master, and the donkey his master’s crib; but Israel does not know me, and the people have not regarded me.”
I don’t even have to click on that to be cracking up! We watch this every Christmas and I am helpless with laughter every time. That’s about as funny as it gets!
Denis Leary, in the movie “The Ref”, accidentally bit the head off baby Jesus from a Nativity scene made of hard tack. (Not sure how you’d work that in, though.)