Help me make sense of this situation

My best friend got me a job at his place, he’s the sales manager for our team and I’ve been there for a year, however something is bothering me;

We have a work colleague who works with us, he’s supposed to be out doing his sales job whilst we’re in the main office doing the admin.

He’s literally around my friend all the time, doesn’t do his job properly and is constantly calling my friend, hanging out with him (Even he complains about it) It wouldn’t bother me too much if I wasn’t sat in between them, when they’re constantly talking over me, he asks my friend if they’ll go out (Never asks me) never really makes conversation with me if my mates there.

They worked together for two years and pretty much did most of the work together in the office before the team expanded and before I joined

Hes very talkative and sociable (but my friend says hes a compulsive liar) But it’s very clear that when it’s just us three in the office I’m in the way, sometimes when he’s in trouble he’ll try and highlight something I’ve done wrong to make himself look better in front of him, or when my friend is breaking my balls he’ll try and make a dig too, which is increasing in its frequency.

Now for example with my best friend I can sit next to them for an hour and be comfortable in the silence, getting on with work etc, but this guy literally needs constant engagement and attention which is really exhausting after a while.

I am actively looking for another job but I was curious to why this guy does this, or if I’m just being over the top about things.

Different people have different personalities.

Kinda sounds like every sales guy I’ve worked with!

Being a pathological liar and an obligate extravert are two of the key characteristics in a successful salescreature, or at least, one that tries to present as successful.


Ah yes, working with Marketing Slime.

One such individual ripped my first draft in review. He said it wasn’t anything like what he wanted and accused me of trying to sabotage his campaign. I told him his comments weren’t helpful and he was being unprofessional. My line manager and the creative director both had a session with me and said the guy complained to them about my bad behavior. I promised to hold my temper.

The good thing about it is that he’s been on better behavior in his reviews. Maybe it was because he realized I wouldn’t put up with his crap.

He might be a narcissist or sociopath.

We hired someone like this a few years ago. I literally had to put in earplugs whenever I heard him talking to someone. Our supervisor loved him for some reason, and did everything he could to make this guy look good. The situation was affecting my health, and I looked for a new job. And I am now in a new job.

My friend will wax lyrical about how bad he is but on the flip side enjoys the attention he gets from his as well, which usually always results in me being sidelined/made fun of

Did this “friend” get you the job to have a punching bag around?

Time to move on.