Help me name my superheroes & villains please!

City of Heroes (and City of Villains) have recently made available a feature to rename any character of yours (provided the name is available on the server, of course). While the price for it is a little exhorbitant, I have several characters (out of 27) who’s names I’ve never been entirely happy with, and a disposable income so… I’d like some help coming up with new names for the following characters. Multiple suggestions are preferable in case one is already taken. I won’t actually rename all of them (the price!), but whichever ones I get the best ideas for.

Of course, if anyone else wants to ask for suggestions for their characters, feel free. I’d enjoy trying to come up with some for yours.

[li]A norwegian ice-themed mutant blaster (ranged-fighter) who needs cybernetic implants to keep his internal organs warm enough to function. Current name is Ismann (norwegian for iceman), and I’m considering Niflheim (mythological arctic realm that figures into the norse creation myth).[/li][li]A Japanese woman who uses magic to enable her to fly, empower her armor to bullet-proof levels, and other more subtle means, but primarily uses her Katana and devices to fight crime. She s intended to have a green costume theme. Currently she’s Midori Tendo (lit. “green laws-of-heaven”), and I could never come up with something better.[/li][li]Another Japanese character, this energetic college-age girl is a super-human martial artist, and is very, very short. Currently Akane Tanaga, considering Odoriko (“dancer”), I wanted Ryuko (“little dragon”) but it’s taken. :mad: [/li][li]An ancient industrial robot (super strength/invulnerable tanker) from an extinct alien civilization who ends up on earth, and decides to do what he can to help mankind develop and survive long enough for us to use what he sees as a “talent for war” against oppressive aliens like the ones that destroyed his creators. Despite this cynical, bitter motivation, he generally has a calm, upbeat demeanor. Currently the ultra-lame Blue No. 3, I’d take anything that sounds like a designation, and has an easy nickname. For some reason I’m very attached to working a reference to Blue in for this guy.[/li][li]A college-nerd who was exposed to a misfiring of vast amounts of magic, and has subsequently gained the ability to instinctively use magic in contrasting ways (radiation blasts and healing spells, are the main powers). Another side effect of the experience is that he became intersexed (now possessing an androgynous (but mostly female) body with both genders’ genitalia). I wanted Switch when I made the character, but it was taken, and the current name I’m using is lame (Henry Switch). I thought of taking Changeling, but that’s already being used by someone. I’m thinking of Schalter (german for switch, I like the sound of it).[/li][/ul]

[li]A stealthy ranged-fighting combat robot from the same civilization as Blue. He’ll work for anyone who can provide the maintenance and support he needs. He and others like him ended up working for aliens who attacked Earth, and Blue informed the super heroes of a way to over-ride them. The only one from his unit to survive, this guy was broken from containment by Arachnos (CoV’s version of GI Joe’s Cobra, or Marvel Comics’ Hydra) and is now working for them, while seeking revenge against Blue. He’s cold-hearted, amoral, and disdainful of almost everything. Currently Shade no. 7, all I’d like is for his name to work as a kind of counterpart to Blue’s.[/li][li]A Russian soldier who was exposed to radiation, and became a walking nuclear disaster. Imprisoned for a long time, he broke loose and now works for various villain groups in exchange for their developing mechanical equipment he can wear to absorb the radiation he puts out and lets him control it so he isn’t a toxic hazard to anyone near him. Currently Atomikh (Atomic and Atomik are taken), I need a good radiation themed name, preferably something russian, or russian-sounding[/li][li]A haughty female magician who controls plants and can cause rapid and monstrous growth in them. A cruel, domineering luddite, in some respects. Formerly a member of the mystical Circle of Thorns (a CoH/V villain group), she won’t trust anyone ever since she was sent on a ‘suicide’ mission (by an envious superior) that ended up with her in jail. Lady Thorn is taken, as are anything else I can come up with. Hit me with your best shot[/li][li]An extremely mild-mannered geneticist with an almost pathological lack of personality or self-identity experiences a freak accident that turns him into a lizard-man. I know, it’s not very original. His lack of self makes it easy for him to be overwhelmed by his newfound instincts, and difficult for therapists to try and treat him. During the Rikti War (large-scale alien attack that’s a key part of CoH’s backstory) he escapes into the streets and becomes a dangerous predator. He was briefly imprisoned again afterwards, and some of his sentience and self-awareness began to reassert itself. He know prowls the Rogue Isles, serving Arachnos in exchange for their allowing him to hunt. Stalker, Street Stalker, and any lizard-related names I can think of are taken. I called him Iksar (Everquest’s lizard race) because I liked the sound of the name, but I’d like something else.[/li][/ul]
So, tell me what you got. And if you’re a fellow CoX player, feel free to describe some of your characters and I’ll try to take a stab at it.

[li]A haughty female magician who controls plants and can cause rapid and monstrous growth in them. A cruel, domineering luddite, in some respects. Formerly a member of the mystical Circle of Thorns (a CoH/V villain group), she won’t trust anyone ever since she was sent on a ‘suicide’ mission (by an envious superior) that ended up with her in jail. Lady Thorn is taken, as are anything else I can come up with. Hit me with your best shot.[/li][/QUOTE]

How about … CHLOROFILLY?


Niflheim’s not bad - what about Ymir? Ice Floe? Fjord Prefect?

For number two, I’d think something with Jade in it.

Three - what about “Little Dragon”?

RGS-1701, nickname “Argus”. ACLS308, nickname “Achilles”. That sort of thing?

The Intermediator!
KBR-2302, nickname “Khyber”.

Char Noble? :wink:

Queen Flora?

Devolvo. Scaled Hunter. Doctor Crocodile. (Doc Croc!)

HTML codes would probably be a good source for your robots if you want something that sounds like a designation.

I like Chlorophyllis better.

Since you want names for 4 villains, you could name them after the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Pestilence, Sleepy and Zeke.


[li]An ancient industrial robot (super strength/invulnerable tanker) from an extinct alien civilization who ends up on earth, and decides to do what he can to help mankind develop and survive long enough for us to use what he sees as a “talent for war” against oppressive aliens like the ones that destroyed his creators. Despite this cynical, bitter motivation, he generally has a calm, upbeat demeanor. Currently the ultra-lame Blue No. 3, I’d take anything that sounds like a designation, and has an easy nickname. For some reason I’m very attached to working a reference to Blue in for this guy.[/li][/QUOTE]


Glowtoyevsky!!! Or maybe Sir Nobyl.

How about Ig Wanna Killya?


For “ismann”, how about Tyr?

He was the Norse god of war, and is basically the frosty counterpoint to Ares and Mars.

Either that or Járnsaxa (Iron Cutlass in a traditional translation, but in modern it would be “the iron scissor”) would fit well. Járnsaxa was a giantess of cosmic wisdom, of the Jotun family and one of the giants so wise that even Oden sought them out for it.

How about Zwitter? It’s hermaphrodite in German and a very cool Rammstein song.

[li]A norwegian ice-themed mutant blaster (ranged-fighter) who needs cybernetic implants to keep his internal organs warm enough to function. Current name is Ismann (norwegian for iceman), and I’m considering Niflheim (mythological arctic realm that figures into the norse creation myth).[/li][/quote]
I like Ismann, but if you’re intent on changing it, “Cyberia” comes to mind as it combines the concepts of cybernetics and cold (though I realize it doesn’t quite fit with the Norwegian theme). Or you could borrow the name of a mythological Scandanavian hero like Sigfried (personally I would eschew the association with Sigfried of “& Roy” fame) or Sigurd. I also think “Fjord” would be cool, though they’re not necessarily icy.

[li]A Japanese woman who uses magic to enable her to fly, empower her armor to bullet-proof levels, and other more subtle means, but primarily uses her Katana and devices to fight crime. She s intended to have a green costume theme. Currently she’s Midori Tendo (lit. “green laws-of-heaven”), and I could never come up with something better.[/li][/quote]
Again, there’s nothing wrong with Midori Tendo, since it actually means something (I’m a big believer that superhero names should have meaning rather than just be “civilian” names or worse yet, strings of random syllables as many people who create Asian characters are guilty of). If the name doesn’t have to be Japanese, how about the Jade Blade? (I have a Celtic swordsman of the same name, but you’re welcome to it).

[li]Another Japanese character, this energetic college-age girl is a super-human martial artist, and is very, very short. Currently Akane Tanaga, considering Odoriko (“dancer”), I wanted Ryuko (“little dragon”) but it’s taken. :mad:[/li][/quote]
I would almost insist that you keep Odoriko.

[li]An ancient industrial robot (super strength/invulnerable tanker) from an extinct alien civilization who ends up on earth, and decides to do what he can to help mankind develop and survive long enough for us to use what he sees as a “talent for war” against oppressive aliens like the ones that destroyed his creators. Despite this cynical, bitter motivation, he generally has a calm, upbeat demeanor. Currently the ultra-lame Blue No. 3, I’d take anything that sounds like a designation, and has an easy nickname. For some reason I’m very attached to working a reference to Blue in for this guy.[/li][/quote]
I got nothing. I’m not a fan of “designation” names anyway, as it seems like kind of a lazy way to name a character. No offense, YMMV, etc.

How about Hermaphroditus, the Greek character from whom we get the word “hermaphrodite”? Or Amalgamation, Composite, Synthesis, Double Entendre.

[li]A stealthy ranged-fighting combat robot from the same civilization as Blue. He’ll work for anyone who can provide the maintenance and support he needs. He and others like him ended up working for aliens who attacked Earth, and Blue informed the super heroes of a way to over-ride them. The only one from his unit to survive, this guy was broken from containment by Arachnos (CoV’s version of GI Joe’s Cobra, or Marvel Comics’ Hydra) and is now working for them, while seeking revenge against Blue. He’s cold-hearted, amoral, and disdainful of almost everything. Currently Shade no. 7, all I’d like is for his name to work as a kind of counterpart to Blue’s.[/li][/quote]
Coming up empty again, sorry.

[li]A Russian soldier who was exposed to radiation, and became a walking nuclear disaster. Imprisoned for a long time, he broke loose and now works for various villain groups in exchange for their developing mechanical equipment he can wear to absorb the radiation he puts out and lets him control it so he isn’t a toxic hazard to anyone near him. Currently Atomikh (Atomic and Atomik are taken), I need a good radiation themed name, preferably something russian, or russian-sounding.[/li][/quote]
Google yields the sites of numerous Russian nuclear facilities. Some of the less-unwieldy names are Teykovo, Kozelsk, Mozdek, Kartaz, Barnaul, Uzhur, and Kansk.

[li]A haughty female magician who controls plants and can cause rapid and monstrous growth in them. A cruel, domineering luddite, in some respects. Formerly a member of the mystical Circle of Thorns (a CoH/V villain group), she won’t trust anyone ever since she was sent on a ‘suicide’ mission (by an envious superior) that ended up with her in jail. Lady Thorn is taken, as are anything else I can come up with. Hit me with your best shot.[/li][/quote]
. I have a female magic plant Dominator named Witchweed. Again, feel free to appropriate it.

Komodo, Moloch, Basilisk/Basilicus, Gavial, Agama, Predasaur (I made that one up, combining “predator” and “dinosaur”).

Suggestion: Ásmegin - means by the might of the gods in Old Norse.

Suggestion: Amaterasu - She is the Sun-goddess who rules all the gods in the Japanese Shinto religion.

Suggestion: Tálos - is that too obvious? In Greek Mythology he was a giant bronze robot made by Hephaestus for Minos as a guardian of Crete.

Suggestion: Could also try Zweifach - German for twofold. Schalter is better though I think.

Suggestion: Strega - Italian for witch.

May I also suggest the Seventh Sanctum website for further inspiration. This is a large collection of name generators, etc. Hope you find something helpful!

That’s good, or Fimbulwinter. Or with the cyborg theme, Wintersteel. Coldsteel ?

Hmmm. Jade Justice ?

Big Blue. Or Blue Industries, that being the name of the alien company that made it.

Changling is copyrighted anyway; a DC character. Perhaps Synergy. Or Synenergy ?

Well, if you go with my suggestion of Blue Industries for Blue, you could call this guy Industrial Disaster.

Comrade Contamination ? Comrade Contaminant ? Red Rad ?

Dead Eden ? Given the nature of the CoT. Or Poisoned Paradise. Or Flora Fatale; I have a plant/thorns named that, but names are only server-reserved.

Carnivore ? Coldblood ? Triassic ?

So obvious that it’s a historical figure in CoH, with Talos Island named after him. Name is probably off limits.

Wow! Thanks for all the great ideas. Heh, now I’ve got a pretty good list for most of them. Now all I need to do is start picking in what order I’ll change them (dole it out over a period of time).

So, doesn’t anyone else want to put up some characters we can try to suggest names for?

Nah – it’s backstories I have a problem with.

Okay, post the names (and powers) and we’ll tell you where they came from!

Norwegian Blue? (Too Monty Python?)

My current “main” is Astromaster, a natural Peacebringer. I see him as very noble and heroic in the most traditional comic book superhero sense. Appearance-wise, he’s almost an angelic presence, with blond, medium-length hair, glowing eyes, the translucent cape that came with the special DVD edition, and a golden starburst aura.

Obviously, merging with a Kheldian has to be part of his backstory. But who he was before, his motivations, etc., are nebulous to me.


How about Black, Co.? It has a mercenary etymology, ties in with thematically with his hero counterpart (“Black and Blue” ::rimshot:: ), and if I may add a bit of backstory for the name, say for legal or financial reasons, this fella had to or was able to have himself incorporated as a business—in other words, a corporate (or artificial) person. ( ::rimshot:: )

Mayak? Alternately, “Tsar Bomba” or “Big Ivan”?

[li]A haughty female magician who controls plants and can cause rapid and monstrous growth in them. A cruel, domineering luddite, in some respects.[/li][/quote]


Licentious Ectomorph, I’m sorry to see no one else has come forward on this. I’ve got an idea, but you’ll need to flesh it out a bit and tailor it for yourself of course.

Basically, set him up as an all-american type, who was a successfull student from a traditional suburban background, list some clubs, sports-teams, band or other extra-curricular activity you’d like. Then go on to say how he went into the service and became a pilot. Talk about his time in the service a little, then say how he left the service, pursued advanced education in the sciences, and ended up working in the space program.
In the second paragraph, explain how he became an astronaut, and was chosen to fly an important experimental spacecraft. Describe him almost dying in an accident during the test-flight, and being saved by a Kheldian. The Kheldian sought him out because of his background and moral fiber, to be its host and serve the country in an even more important way.
Last paragraph mentions how he agreed, and briefly describes why he came to paragon city (to help fight the Council and their Nictus allies). I’m seeing him as pro-america, but with an eye to the stars, and the bigger issues. So Arachnos, the Rikti, Nemesis, Dr. Aeon or other bigger-picture villains could be mentioned in terms of long-range goals.