While rummaging through some my storage footlocker, I happened to re-discover this picture I drew wayyyyyy back in my geeky adolescence. It’s a superhero team that I dreamed up (when my greatest ambition in life was to be a comic book artist).
The team started out as my version of a new X-Men team - which is obvious given the costumes I have for them in this picture. However, over time I kept the same basic characters, but removed the “X” part. I know I drew other pictures of the same characters, with modified costumes, but don’t still have those to show.
Anyway, I spent a lot of time imagining the names, powers & backstories for each of these characters, and some storylines for them. But I can’t remember anything about them now. All I remember is that I called the big guy (requisite strong man) “Taur”, which was short for minotaur. (In later pictures, I drew him to look more like an actual bull. I remember I eventually gave him a big morning-star ball & chain for a weapon.) But the other guys, I’m drawing a blank.
So I thought I’d solicit some suggestions from CS. Whaddaya think? Any suggestions?