Help with choosing between these two dishwashers

I’ve been trying to decide between purchasing a Bosch SHE65T56UC or a GE GDF540HMFES.
There are some pros and cons to both to me that make it a difficult decision for me, maybe someone can help.

Rated 80 on consumer reports
+) The Bosch have the highest consumer reports rating on reliability and dependability.
+) Third rack option
+) The anti leak system it advertises
+) It has a Rinse option
+) It has an express option
+) Shorter all around load times
+) I like the way the display looks but I’m not sure if you can see time remaining while the dishwasher is running ( the Bosch I want to take back had the upper hidden panel and you could only see the time remaining display if you opened the door and interrupted the cycle)
?) The half load on the Bosch I’m questionable about though- The GE is optional half Top or Half bottom, I like that but I’m not sure about this Bosh half as many dishes thing. Wouldn’t you just wait a little to completely fill it? Otherwise I can see more sense in the half top/half bottom thing more. I can see just running some cups up top etc…
*If I’m not understanding how that works please just let me know.
-) I don’t like the design of the top rack itself as much- just the way the positioned the metal pieces, they tend to jut up more making cups tippier (if you get my meaning :wink:
-) I don’t like the design of the bottom rack much either
-) Bottom rack does not have foldable or adjustable tines
-) Do not like the silverware basket, sections are small and even smaller at the bottom causing things you put in them to be real tight and I think it wastes more space.
–) Boshes are known for not drying dishes well and with the one I have I have to agree whole heartedly.

Rated 76 on Consumer Reports

  • & -) I think the control panel being hidden looks nice but don’t think it’s necessarily better. My husband seems to think that having it on top will get dirtier then the design of the Bosch with the controls on front placed under that little ledge.
    +) Like the optional look of the unique color of the ‘Slate’ which is grey but doesn’t show fingerprints and water spotting like stainless steel.
    +?) Steam option to loosen caked on foods - don’t know how well that works compared to just sticking them into the Bosch. Does add time
    +) I like the the top rack design better, the metal area I spoke of on the Bosch were it juts up is flatter on the GE and I feel will make placing/loading on it easier were cups and that are less likely to be falling tipping over in the process.
    +) Silver ware basket can be sectioned into three sections 1 larger piece and 2 smaller pieces that can be placed anywhere in the unit.
    +) Silverware basket is roomer and less confined then the Bosch
    +) The bottom rack tines are foldable, removable, repositionable and adjustable
    +?) Like the idea of the Wash temp option for a Boost in temperature- just don’t know how well it works. Might even be compareable to Bosh’s Extra Shine Option
    +) Wash Zones option- Targeted Upper or Lower Rack washing
    +?) The pirhana food pulverizer- Advertised as a special thing, don’t know the difference of that and the Bosh’s filtration system
    -) Long Wash time
    -) GE Rated Mid way on Consumer Reports for Reliablity and Dependability.
    +?) Has a hidden vent with fan dry for the purpose of getting the dishes dryer- Don’t know how well that works or if it even does get the dishes dryer since I haven’t tried the unit like I did with the Bosch I presently have (SHX4ATF5UC) and am taking back to the store.

Side Note: When I take the unit I have back I will have to pay an additional $200 more for the prementioned Bosch or an additional $60 for the GE.

Any help and advise on the matter would be so greatly appreciated. I need to make a decision soon since I have to take back the Bosch I have and already spoke to customer service about it and in addition the store is currently running a 10% off sale on these appliances and I want to get the new unit on the sale so I don’t have to pay more then I have to.

Thanks so much,

Since the OP is looking for advice, let’s move this to IMHO.

General Questions Moderator

I’ve been coveting a GE just like that one, so GE is my vote.

don’t know either and have no opinion.

while you have the unit out if you haven’t done so then you might want to paint the cavity with a marine paint or vanish. it might keep the surrounding wood in better shape.

You would probably get better opinions over on the Gardenweb kitchen forums; those people really know their appliances and are willing to talk about them at length. That said, I’d go with the GE because of the food pulverizer thingie. Cleaning out dishwasher filters is yucky.

I would probably go for Bosch.
I have a Miele and I LOVE it.

I can give a hearty recommendation for the Bosch. I’ve owned two for a total of more than ten years, and I’ve recommended them to friends who become as pleased with them as I have been. In any given comparison, they are worth a few more dollars.

I will warn you and everyone against making one stupid and nearly invisible mistake: buy as LARGE a dishwasher as you need, but get that size to fit as FEW dishes as possible. You will find nearly identical models, in size and internal cubic footage, that take anywhere from 8 to 16 place settings. The higher numbers are NOT size… they indicate how many tines there are in the racks, and how closely spaced they are. My first Bosch was a large but “low capacity” one that I could fit any evening’s dishes in without a hitch. My current one is something like a 14-place one, and unless I have nothing to wash but table settings for 10 or more, it can be a bitch to get non-plate things in there. Too many tines in the way to fit bowls, pans, lids, odd-shaped stuff. I really hate that aspect but nothing else about the way the unit performs is a downcheck.

If you routinely set the table for 12, with salad plates, by all means get a denser unit. But most people will hate them for a stupid, avoidable reason.

ETA: “Food pulverizers” on home dishwashers are just one more expensive gimmick to break. Bosch has a large, multi-strainer filter that’s easy to clean and has no moving parts to break. Pulverizers are standard on restaurant dishwashers because they do load after load of heavily-caked plates.

I came into this thread expecting advice on choosing the right wife. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: Pam or Donna.
Ace, backing slowing out,closing this thread, and running away. Just joking!

We bought a new dishwasher in 2010. Looked at quite a few reviews and bought a Maytag dishwasher.

We’ve been very satisfied with how well it cleans.

I’ve been trying to decide between purchasing a Bosch SHE65T56UC or a GE GDF540HMFES. :smack:


[SIZE=“3”]There are some pros and cons to both to me that make it a difficult decision for me, maybe someone can help.

Rated 80 on consumer reports
+) The Bosch have the highest consumer reports rating on reliability and dependability.
+) Third rack option
+) The anti leak system it advertises
+) It has a Rinse option
+) It has an express option
+) Shorter all around load times
+) I like the way the display looks but I’m not sure if you can see time remaining while the dishwasher is running ( the Bosch I want to take back had the upper hidden panel and you could only see the time remaining display if you opened the door and interrupted the cycle)
?) The half load on the Bosch I’m questionable about though- The GE is optional half Top or Half bottom, I like that but I’m not sure about this Bosh half as many dishes thing. Wouldn’t you just wait a little to completely fill it? Otherwise I can see more sense in the half top/half bottom thing more. I can see just running some cups up top etc…
*If I’m not understanding how that works please just let me know.
-) I don’t like the design of the top rack itself as much- just the way the positioned the metal pieces, they tend to jut up more making cups tippier (if you get my meaning :wink:
-) I don’t like the design of the bottom rack much either
-) Bottom rack does not have foldable or adjustable tines
-) Do not like the silverware basket, sections are small and even smaller at the bottom causing things you put in them to be real tight and I think it wastes more space.
–) Boshes are known for not drying dishes well and with the one I have I have to agree whole heartedly.

Rated 76 on Consumer Reports

  • & -) I think the control panel being hidden looks nice but don’t think it’s necessarily better. My husband seems to think that having it on top will get dirtier then the design of the Bosch with the controls on front placed under that little ledge.
    +) Like the optional look of the unique color of the ‘Slate’ which is grey but doesn’t show fingerprints and water spotting like stainless steel.
    +?) Steam option to loosen caked on foods - don’t know how well that works compared to just sticking them into the Bosch. Does add time
    +) I like the the top rack design better, the metal area I spoke of on the Bosch were it juts up is flatter on the GE and I feel will make placing/loading on it easier were cups and that are less likely to be falling tipping over in the process.
    +) Silver ware basket can be sectioned into three sections 1 larger piece and 2 smaller pieces that can be placed anywhere in the unit.
    +) Silverware basket is roomer and less confined then the Bosch
    +) The bottom rack tines are foldable, removable, repositionable and adjustable
    +?) Like the idea of the Wash temp option for a Boost in temperature- just don’t know how well it works. Might even be compareable to Bosh’s Extra Shine Option
    +) Wash Zones option- Targeted Upper or Lower Rack washing
    +?) The pirhana food pulverizer- Advertised as a special thing, don’t know the difference of that and the Bosh’s filtration system
    -) Long Wash time
    -) GE Rated Mid way on Consumer Reports for Reliablity and Dependability.
    +?) Has a hidden vent with fan dry for the purpose of getting the dishes dryer- Don’t know how well that works or if it even does get the dishes dryer since I haven’t tried the unit like I did with the Bosch I presently have (SHX4ATF5UC) and am taking back to the store.

Side Note: When I take the unit I have back I will have to pay an additional $200 more for the prementioned Bosch or an additional $60 for the GE.

Any help and advise on the matter would be so greatly appreciated. I need to make a decision soon since I have to take back the Bosch I have and already spoke to customer service about it and in addition the store is currently running a 10% off sale on these appliances and I want to get the new unit on the sale so I don’t have to pay more then I have to.

Thanks so much,


Time remaining/long wash time: I don’t care. I only run the DW 1-2 times a week and usually start it before bed.

Top/bottom only wash: I don’t care. I only run the DW with a full load. I’d rather hand-wash a few cups than run a top-only load and waste a bunch of water and power.

Hidden control panel: I like this because I have a toddler. I’ve had two different DWs with this feature and never noticed the panel getting dirty.

Food pulverizer vs. screen: I don’t care because I don’t put my dishes in caked with crud.