OK, more than a few times. Lottatimes. :o But anyway.
As I was lookin at the purty nekkid wimmin, and then later as I was feelin strangely exploited and dollar-less, I seemed to remember something Henry Rollins is reputed to have said: “If you go to strip clubs, one, you’re afraid of women. And two, you hate them.”
Hate them??? Jeez, I don’t hate women. I like the feminist ones. I like the traditional ones. I like the outwardly attractive ones. I like the inwardly attractive ones. I like 'em all, I swear!
Henry might be right about the first part. I’m kind of timid around women, specially if they don’t work in strip clubs. If it wasn’t fer strip clubs, I might never see a real live naked woman.
But, HATE them?? Never!
I dig punk rock, so Henry must be a cool guy. But I feel he’s judged me unfairly.
More to the point: is it wrong to go to these places???
Although I would like to recommend the type of woman that resides in ones own bedroom. Much more accessible. Not necessarily cheaper in the long run, though.
Just 'cause I hate feeling ignorant, who the hell is Henry Rollins?
I used to go to strip clubs myself, in my younger, single days. I think most folks go there because, like you, they like looking at good looking, naked women. We’re wired that way. If we weren’t, we, as a species, wouldn’t be here. People who try to make more out of that than there is are trying to promote their own agenda.
Bumbazine I swear I actually gasped…
I love Henry. He is an extremely intelligent and articulate man and I often disagree with him, so don’t be afraid of me being some sycophant.
His current spoken word tour came through Dallas in early March and it was soooo awesome: we were about 15 ft from him, sitting on the floor. I’ve never laughed so much my face still hurt the next morning.
Henry is cool,
I still have a book of Henry’s poetry from 1984 and I’ve worn out several Black Flag tapes. I dig his work, but his opinion of me and my actions don’t mean a hill of beans.
Have there been any threads discussing the odd things we do because we give celebrities excessive credibility?
I used to think Henry Rollins was some pretty hot shit. I saw him live several times (“Turned on”/“End of Silence” era) I read a couple of his books, got a couple of his spoken word CDs.
Eh. He doesn’t impress me at all as a writer/speaker. He has some moderately interesting insights sometimes, but thats about it.
But, I don’t know what it is about him. Such a smug bastard. I’m not sure exactly what it is…(I’ve been sitting here for 5 minutes trying to put into words why I don’t like him.) I guess I’ll just have to leave it that his writing and speaking annoy the shit outta me.
I can’t knock his (older) music, Black Flag and early Rollins Band still can rock a camel’s ass.
I don’t listen to Henry Rollins’ stuff, but it came to my attention that he likes to talk loudly out of his ass. It seems everytime I saw or read anything about him, he made some obnoxious and thick-headed statement. People keep saying, “Henry Rollins is real, real smart” but no one ever produces evidence of this claim.
One of the very first stories I wrote for my college paper was a review of a Henry Rollins spoken-word thing. Being a timid freshman, the only audience members I quoted were a friend of mine and his girlfriend. At the end, I got into the autograph line and figured I’d be real hot stuff to get a quote from Rollins himself. But, when the guy in front of me stepped up to get his autograph, Rollins said something to him about how, if you end up in the newspaper, it’s probably because you did something wrong. I took that to mean that Rollins wasn’t a big fan of newspapers. So I scuttled my idea of getting a quote and simply took my autograph and went home.
Thanks for the link pcubed. I went, I saw, I listened.
I didn’t see or hear anything to convince me that he knows any more about human nature than I or anyone else in this thread.
As I recall, he said that he wont go to strip clubs because it goes against his “hunter gatherer” philosophy. “I cant pay for p*ssy, I have to stalk and conquer it on my own” or somehting like that.
I don’t neccesarily agree with Hank on a lot either. I went through a phase where I was a real Rollins devoté. His music and philosophy meshed well with how I felt at the time (lots of anger, screw the world mentality), but that has mostly passed. I still admire a lot about the guy, even though I disagree with a lot of his more-integrity-than-thou, destroy-all-cops attitude.
He is funny as hell though. I’ve got most of his spoken word discs and one of his spoken word videos (taped after the LA riots: “Welcome to the This Shit’s on Fire channel”).
I think one of the reason’s I like him is his up-front attitude. My favorite writer is probably Harlan Ellison, and although they would probably annihilate each other if they met, they have that one thing in common. If they think you’re an asshole, they will tell you. They don’t care what you think. Definitely something I wish I had more of.
Did you see the ‘Hundred greatest acts of Rock and Roll’ on VH1??? There was Henry, talking flowery nonsense about great some of these acts that his whole genre was created in opposition to were.(what a tortured sentence!)
Henry’s looking a little like a sell-out. Christ, he hosted ‘The List’ on VH1! :eek:
I think you really hit the nail on the head there. It seems that out of everyone who thinks that Mr Hanky is the voice of god, you can probably safely assume that they are between 17-23 years old. And I’m not trying to knock that, either. I really connected with him at one point. It just all seems silly to me now.
That 100 greatest whatever on VH1 with his contributions was just painful to watch. I really became pretty jaded toward him after he decided to play a cop on screen, in whatever that stupid movie was called (with Charlie Sheen).
I happen to like Henry Rollins’s work, although I’m not in the 17-23 age range and I don’t think he’s God. I do think he’s quite articulate, an all-too-rare trait these days, especially in the music biz, and that while his insights are rarely deep they are often at least interesting.
OTOH, I remember seeing him tell a story about being taken to a sex show in southeast Asia (Bangkok? can’t remember). It involved an amusing anecdote about a banana. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether this means he hates women too (although he claimed reluctant attendance at the event).
Why does Rollins band “Civilized” get a credit on the Dennis Miller Live show (HBO) when the only music they play is Tears For Fears Everybody wants to rule the world?
I think what people used to say back in the day is “he’s really smart FOR A PUNK ROCK GUY.” Might be the case. But over the years, it’s morphed into “he’s really smart,” which is just false. Smart is all relative.
I guess people who are lucky enough to be famous and have groupies readily available can safely judge all the guys who go to strip bars. If he hadn’t learned how to scream in front of a band, he’d be another pathetic, little-too-pumped-and-tatooed-up guy at the bar, struggling like the rest of us.
Personally can’t stand the man–he’s an ass. Like Dennis Miller: passionately and obnoxiously MOR. I heard a rumor that he’s gay–does he talk about this in his act?