Her name is Zippy.

When that bundle of orange and white zipped up to us at the shelter and cuddled with My Beloved ten years ago she was already seven and a half years old. When we took her home that day we quickly learned how she got her name. For the first couple of weeks we thought she might be incapable of just walking anywhere, she was such a speed demon. She also thought she could talk and insisted on mapping about her day to us as soon as we walked in the door. If you talked to her she always responded as if she understood what you were talking about. She loved to play all the time, and I can’t really recall her hissing at anything or anybody. Except for maybe not knowing that “This is my dinner. Your food bowl is over there, cat!”, we are talking the perfect cat.

Lately, the zip has completely disappeared. she doesn’t seem to be in any pain, and she still (barely) responds when you talk to her, but she won’t eat anything anymore, and she just lays in one spot with her head down. This morning I found her just staring at her food…and her back half was just laying in her water bowl. I picked her up and dried her off, then put her on some plush material in front of the computer monitor-her favorite place. She won’t sniff at her food, kitty treats, meat, or even mayonnaise.

I don’t think she’s going to be there when I get home this afternoon.

I know that she had a good and fun life, I know she knows she isn’t alone, and I know that she isn’t in any pain. But…damn. It hurts.

I am so sorry, for you, your Beloved, and Zippy.

I’m all choked up. Sending the Czarcasm family hugs.

I’m so sorry. :frowning: Sending good thoughts to you, and to Zippy for a painless passage to her next great adventure.

So very sorry.

Aw. I’m so sorry for your kitty loss but happy you had her.

She has always brought joy into our lives…even when she was trying to stop me from eating her tuna sandwich.

Usually don’t come into these threads due to heartbreak but I’m going through something similar and wanted to let you know I’m sorry. And you’re right…17 is a great life.

It does indeed hurt. A lot. We just put our 14 year old Shepherd down a couple weeks ago, and our old lady cat is puny and inappetant and anti-social after starting heart meds a week or so before that.

Ahh…I’m so sorry.

I’m sorry. I had to put down my cat years ago when he had kidney failure (after years of subQ saline treatments and a special diet, he finally couldn’t go on). Hardest trip I ever made, but after a day of non-responsiveness and immobility, I knew it was time.

I still cry now and again, even though it was almost 15 years ago. I hope Zippy’s passing is peaceful, and if you (the vet) can help it along, that’s a good thing now. Good for you in rescuing an adult cat. What a great life you gave Zippy.

I just got the call from My Beloved.

I’ll let her post the details.

Zippy died warm, safe and loved after a long, happy life.

You can’t ask for more than that. I’ll give my cat Atilla extra scritches.

Was Zippy your only cat?

Our roommate’s cat, Marla, joined the family a couple of years ago. Too soon to see how she will react.

I want *this *as my epitaph. Zippy seems to have had the best of runs.

Well, aside from the Zippy bit of course. Actually … let’s keep that in there, it’ll give them something to think about.

I came home from the gym and Zippy lying in front of the air conditioner, she mapped at me and I picked her up to hold her. She let out 2 breaths like she was trying to purr then she breathed her last. I put her in her favorite cat bed as though she is sleeping.
No more trying to protect our food from her,( pizza,cheese, eggs, bread, garlic, garlic and herb cheese, apple and cherry pie, bbq, beef, chicken or pork, salmon, tuna, bacon, maple syrup, butter. The list goes on.) No more midnight elephant races, or bag sliding. No more howling when we are not where we’re supposed to be and no more “Night, Night”.

My sympathies to you both for the loss of your Zippy.

May she live on in your fondest memories.

I’m so, so sorry for you. Two years ago yesterday, we lost our 13 YO Border Collie. I can’t see the screen, excuse me.
