Here is a pic of me.

Here is a pic of me wearing my eyeglasses.

That certainly does appear to be a photograph of you wearing your glasses.

Your OP is incorrect. You have incorrectly identified TWO pictures of yourself wearing eyeglasses as ONE picture of yourself wearing eyeglasses.

Please be more accurate in the future.

Are those your Google glasses? Are you watching porn while driving? Can I see them?

Seriously, I’ve never seen specs that thick. You have my sympathy.

Your nostril appears to be inflamed, I suggest you limit your nostril stretching to 3 days per week.

Ditto. Did those come off the bottom of perfume bottles?
What’s your dog’s name?

This is not a pic of you.

I have a friend who wore specs like that, really thick, and when he was 64 he needed cataract surgery. After having caratact removed, he could get along OK without glasses for distance viewing, but he still needed a fairly weak Rx for reading.

Unless there is another visual issue, very thick glasses like that indicate that the natural lenses in your eye are unable to accommodate focus, but as soon as the surgeon takes then our and throws them away and and replaces them with plastic ones, your vision become fairly normal. However, you lose the ability to adjust your lenses for different focal points, and willl need glasses for variablel distances.

I have this other pair of myodisc glasses that is -29 diopters in strength.

The glasses that I am wearing in my pic is -22 diopters.

I don’t know if this will work, but here is a pic of me holding a glass.

My rx is -5.50 and -4.50 diopters. I still like to wear those -22 diopter and -29 diopter high myopic glasses.

Good job, son.

pat pat

This is a sentence.

–> word <–

This is a picture of me.

MeanOldLady, I saw your picture in one of the picture threads, and honey, you AIN’T no dog! :slight_smile:


some bitch joke

Adding something about “yella” to Bup’s bitch joke.

On the internet, nobody knows… crap!

I tried so hard and I still didn’t come very close. That facial expression can’t be faked.

Here is a pic of me wearing my eyeglasses.