Here is what I learned today by just keeping my ears open

My office opens up to the driver’s room, an open space with seats for about 40. It’s also next door to the conference room, which houses the phone we let them use to make outside calls.

As a consequence, I get to hear all sorts of interesting conversations. I don’t really consider this eavesdropping, more like incidental hearing. And I’m not the gossipy kind, so nothing I hear gets repeated around here. Hell, I don’t even tell the wife some of the interesting stuff I hear around this place.

But I did want to pass along a couple tidbits, just so all my Doper pals can keep up with what the folks that drive your kids to school talk about when they’re not driving buses:

Let’s see…Well, Bill (think Chris Farley in Tommy Boy) was telling us that he likes to watch Law and Order because there’s some real good legal advice that you can pick up on that show. If he’s ever arrested he’s not going to let them talk him into a plea bargain because he knows they only do that when they have a weak case and they want you to confess.

Oh, and Crystal’s ovulating today, so her boyfriend better not take that overtime the boss offered him, he needs to get straight home.

And OH MY GOD, did you see the top that girl on Maria’s high school route wore to school this morning? It was 45 degrees this morning and she came to school wearing this hoochie thing cut down to yo, with her boys swinging all over the place like she just walked off a corner. Don’t they have a dress code at that school?

So what kind of fun things did you all hear today? Share here, where the news won’t get you in trouble or labeled a gossip.

I learned nothing at work today. Your office sounds way more entertaining than mine. Why do people talk about such things in such places?

But I did learn something juicy last week: my friend left her husband a few months ago, and after she did so, she found out that the husband had slept with not one but TWO of her friends, a year before she left him. (In her house, no less. Two separate incidents, tho, not a threesome. Sorry) And now he’s acting like she’s the bad guy for walking out, and she’s too good a person to point out to all her (former) friends that in fact she is the one who has been wronged.

I feel like shouting it to the rooftops but I think she might object.

Fun things? I got illness and divorce things, calling in the law because he’s violating the restraining order again things, but not fun things.

And I really try NOT to hear the stuff I hear.

Not today, but a couple of good recent ones:

Yesterday I was at the doctor’s office and overheard the nurse asking some old guy to fill out his forms: HIPAA (yeah, I know), Medicare, that sort of thing. He jokingly griped that he was sick of paperwork, and could they just give him the paperwork for his senior discount. The nurse laughed and said, “You’ll have to talk to Bush about that.” Old Guy: “Eh, Bush is worthless. He ain’t done nothing for me. The only way that guy would pay attention to you is if you were coughing up gasoline.”

Mr. S and I were sitting in a restaurant in the middle of the afternoon waiting for our food. The place was fairly quiet, only a few patrons, and the speakers were playing the live broadcast of some sporting event – I think it was football. Anyway, during a break in the action, the commentators were just yakking aimlessly, and in the silence after one of them stopped talking you could hear some guy yell (something like) “Get on with the fucking game already!” Then abrupt silence for a few seconds, and then the sound came back on the the commentators went on like nothing happened. I couldn’t help bursting out laughing. Then I noticed the people at the next table laughing too.

“I didn’t really say all the stuff I said.” --Yogi Berra