Here's a font question for you...

Can anyone, please, tell me what the font is in this pic?

I have a project I’m working on and need to use that font, and have spent hours looking for it.


He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice - Albert Einstein

try the following (some may be similar)

Angela Sans
Shiloh Plain

To deal with men by force is as impractical as to deal with nature by persuasion.

It looks kind of deco, so I did a search on “deco font”, but no time to look in detail.

A good site to try is Fontastic, - lots of fonts, and quick previews on each page. It’s not in sections A or B, but 24 letters to go!

Good luck!

Bob the Random Expert
“If we don’t have the answer, we’ll make one up.”

Okay, I figured out what it’s called.

It’s ITC Anna. Does anyone have this one?

Whether someone has it or not is immaterial; ITC Anna is a copyrighted font.

I note that it’s packaged with some older editions of Adobe Type Manager, so if you have that handy you might check that out.

To purchase the font, try here: ITC Anna

Please don’t ask people here to violate copyright law. As you would wish to be paid for all your work, pay for the software that you use.

your humble TubaDiva/SDStaffDiv
for the Straight Dope

um…Thanks for the lecture Tuba. Also thanks for asking if that was my intention. I’ve never intentionally violated copyright laws and I always pay for what I need. It’s SO nice to have you around.


Okay Jazzmine, I might have sounded a bit harsh, and I apologize for that. It was not my intention to lecture you or anybody else.

There are quite a few people that think that fonts and graphic elements and etc. are free for the taking. Sometimes they are, but some material is licensed. It’s by the paying of such fees that typographers make a living.
Not everyone understands that.

It’s similar to the shareware argument – I’ve known quite a few people who don’t bother to pay for what they use, on the grounds of “well, I downloaded it, it’s free.” Or “I borrowed it, so what?”

I know all too well what it’s like to work your very ass off on something and not be properly compensated for it, perhaps that makes me a little overzealous.

Finally, all the moderators and adminstrators on this board are more than a little nervous about the prospect of copyrighted/licensed material being flung around on the board in an illegal manner. Sites have been closed down by copyright holders, companies have been sued. We don’t want any trouble for the Reader or for Cecil; we want this site to stay in business.

For all these reasons, I jump really easily. But I did not intend any offense to you. And I apologize.

your humble TubaDiva

How the heck do you “define” a font for copywrite purposes? Do you say “my font has horizontal strokes 2.5 times as wide as the vertical strokes, with serifs curving over an arc of 30 degrees”? If someone else has a font who’s “look and feel” is similar to your’s, how do you prove infringement?

It sure looked like “Broadway” on my puter, but then today , I am on the laptop. And a poor one at that.
My first paying job, at the age of 14, was setting lead type at a printers. I stamped about a gazillion matchbooks, napkins and placecards for them…and, for a few years, had a few dozen fonts MEMORIZED.
Ahh, the old days. :slight_smile:

p.s. Tuba is right on the money. One’s creative and intellectual properties are not toyed with lightly; a font is every bit as unique as the words and books it is used to create. My .02 cents.

Type is evocative. How something looks is often as important as what it says; how you react to it has a lot to do with how it’s presented. That’s why it’s such a big deal.

And yes, “look and feel” is EXACTLY what we’re talking about here. It’s not only fonts that are unique but also classic fonts. (Some designs are brand new ideas, some are versions of original fonts hundreds of years old.)

Type houses go to great lengths to make their versions of these classic fonts ever so slightly different from the competition – enough so that even though it’s, say, Times Roman, it’s THEIR Times Roman – and that’s enough to guard against some other company simply copying off their stuff and selling it for themselves. There may be more of a barbed serif in the serif faces, to give one easy example; or certain stylistic modifications on certain letters; not enough to change the overall look of the font itself, but enough to give that particular version individualistic style.

And unique fonts stand on their own.

How does it look, how does it feel? Like “He’s So Fine” and “My Sweet Lord.” It’s often that subtle – and that apparent.

(Sorry if I lectured here, it’s been a long time since I got to flex my typo muscles. Thank you!)

your humble TubaDiva/SDStaffDiv
for the Straight Dope

TubaDiva wrote:

Hey, Jenny, this is relevant to me because I often quote from copyrighted sources (usually religious ones). Just how much is too much? I’m a little fuzzy on copyright laws–it’s been too long since I read a book on this subject.

  1. Say you have a two-page article, and you quote 3/4 of a page of it on the SDMB. Can the owner of the copyright then sue you, or is it “fair use”?

  2. Say that article is now part of a 200-page book, and you quote 3/4 of a page of it on the SDMB. Are the two situations any different, or can you be sued for both situations? Cuz in the one instance, you’re quoting a substantial portion of the article, but in the other you’re only quoting 1/200 of the book.

Fair Use is just that – fair use.

What you quote in support of an argument or in review – as long as it’s kept to excerpts-- is permissible.

I am not a lawyer and am not holding myself out as such, but my understanding is that it’s not so much length or a fixed percentage as it is how much is reproduced in toto: a few lines to prove a point is permissible, copying all or most of an article would not be a good thing to do. (If you MUST have all of the article, you can hyperlink to somewhere else where the article can be found, and in fact that’s what we prefer you do with any article that’s too big to put here).

The potential penalty to us for violation is severe; a copyright violation could cause us to be sued – and this site could be closed.

your humble TubaDiva/SDStaffDiv
for the Straight Dope

Wow. I’ll be more careful in the future.