Heroes 10/30 - "Better Halves" (spoilers)

About 15 minutes in…

Interesting word choices from Claire’s videographer friend. Not flirting with her, “believe me I’m not”? Asking if she’s going to be “coming out” to her parents? Are the producers trying to tell us something about him?

Holy Sh** I didnt see that twist comming!

She’s … no way!

Yeah, got me too. :slight_smile:

Claire’s Dad and the female in the Apartment with the professors son

Yes, Im real bad with names.

I’ve got a LOT to say about the Doppleskanker, but we still have 20 minutes to go.

Well, to start with, i loved how ikiN was subtly different in appearance from Niki (hair was slightly differently styled, I think ikiN’s earrings were different but I’m not sure).

We have enough for me to contnue with my Doppleskanker rant.

Spoiler Glasses on!

For me, it was obvious durring this episode 'Better Halves" that we would find out the most about Nikki. The episode was dripping with them; “After you left, I became a different person” and “There is someone inside of you who knows that I am innocent.” Then again, I think we all caught on to the title of the ep this week.
As the ‘Nikki’ we have been shown from day one, until now has only refered to herself as " I " it was clear to me, that the SkankerNiki. who opted for the intergrated " We " was more in control. I stated in a previous episode’s thread that Nikki is DID, and this ep is playing to that diagnosis.

Great scene though, with the mirrors, AND the hair change. Really needed that to pull it off.

But, the show is really getting “it on” if;

Nikki’s alter ego has already ‘done the time warp again’ and caused Hiro and Ando’s escape fight, via Hiro’s abillities.

That would just twist my mind in a Memento sort of way.

Thats a DOND case! Where is the number?

Nikki’s Tattoo:

DNA Double Helix

I’m pretty sure it’s just the glyph we’ve seen hanging around a lot of other characters. It only appears on her when she’s in ikiN mode.

Meeko, out of curiosity, are you using “Nikki” with two Ks to differentiate between the two or are you just plucking my last damn nerve?

So yeah, the Doppelbanger. I wish that the revelation to Niki had been a little less expository dialog. The “I did this, I did that” speech was a little clunky. Cool fight between her and Ghost Dad though.

Hiro. The beginning of the end of his innocence. Excellent scene between him and Ando after the poker massacre, with Ando restoring his spirit. But clearly Hiro has been subtly changed.

Eden. The Evil Pixie. We’re all so smart, figuring out everything weeks ahead of the curve. She’s just not menacing enough. I don’t buy her in the role. She’s too, well, pixieish.

Kind of a slow episode. Cheerleader pseudo bio-parents stuff was kind of a waste of time. Nikki angle where both sides conversed was kind of interesting, but doesn’t speak to whether this is split personality or something else entirely inhabiting her. Phasing hubby about to get his ass kicked then smacking her down with a phase insert was kind of neat.

Duplicitous cute girl was kind of obvious several episodes back. Most interesting little plot point is that evil dad’s pursuit of paranormals & his web of agents is apparently entirely unrelated to this coming holocaust. I’m betting Duplicitous cute girl has powers of some kind.

Yeah, and some of us completely forgot to watch last week. :smack:

Why are we using spoiler boxes? This thread is dedicated to discussing the action in a show it is presumed we have all just watched. Who would be viewing this thread thinking that plot points aren’t going to be discussed. Seems kind of silly.

It didn’t consume that much screen time, fortunately, but it was important to the extent that Evil Dad is I guess trying to get Claire to admit that she’s super. Although I’m not quite understanding why he’s going about it the way that he is. It’s like he knows but he doesn’t know, you know? Like he needs for her to say it out loud. Which, since he doesn’t just strap her down to a table a la TelepaCop and Captain Congress, is adding some complexity to his character.

I have refrained from commenting since I seem to be in the minority about the “cute” girl. Every time she is on the screen my wife and I keep a running conversation about what is the oddest thing about her. My wife says it’s her enormous egg-shaped cranium. I think it’s her huge Prince Charles ears. “Cute” never enters the conversation.

Look at the time of the posts. Most were make while the show was still on.
My favorite part of this one was the look on Hiro’s face. “I have a sword.”

A minor nitpick, and I do miss a lot of the subtleties of this show, but I don’t get why DL didn’t believe Niki when she told him she was two people.

If he’d been an ordinary guy, I could understand his skepticism, but if I can walk through walls, I’m likely to be open to weirdness in other people.

Certainly the fact that the money was still there after six months, she let him spend the night, didn’t turn him in to the cops, and accompanied him to the poker room should count for something.

Men. They’re so suspicious.

It was pretty obvious to me that he was just asking her if she was going to tell her parents about her power.

I thought this was an excellent episode all around. I wish they hadn’t spoiled DL’s power in the “next time on Heroes” segment last week.

So…is Niki|ikiN dead?

Well, so far that’s how it’s been for several of the characters. The Flying Congressman didn’t believe Hiro. Neither Mohinder nor the Prescient Painter believed Peter Petrelli.

I don’t think Evil-Horn-Rimmed-Glasses-Dad brought in the fake parents to get info out of Claire, I think he did it because that way she’d stop looking and wouldn’t find her actual parents. I suspect Claire’s going to find some interesting info if/when she ends up finding them for real…