He's back - Marion Barry returns!

This guy’s got more lives than a cat!

Marion Barry Wins District Council Race

Marion Barry Bio

The quote left out the fact the he was filmed not just smoking crack, but smoking crack with a prostitute.

I still can’t understand how people vote for this man. There was no question of a frame by somebody else. There was no case of mistaken identity. There was just a very clear and surprisingly good quality (though IIRC black and white) footage of the mayor sitting their and hitting a crack pipe.

It’s almost like Mayor Quimby.

“Of course I smoke crack and have sex with hookers! Can you think of a better way to pump money into the local economy? Now if you’ll excuse me, Krusty and I are due to cut the ribbon at a new brothel.”

Funny, your location line says “Phillidelphia”.

Seriously, though, ignoring aside the arrogance and presumptuousnes of those non-District residence who have such a strong opinion on what amounts to foreign politics to them, I don’t understand how so many fault a voting populace for miraculously ignoring an ultimately irrelevant character flaw that was forcibly revealed through set-up by political opponents. Any other time when voters dismiss a candidate they’d otherwise elect just because of a imperfect private life, we’d disparage them as being mindless sheep, but when D.C. does it, they’re the stupid ones.

Crap - that’s “non-District RESIDENTS” and “aside” shouldn’t be there at all.

My current location is Philadelphia. But from birth to age sixteen or so ,(1975-91) I lived in northern Virginia (specifically Fairfax county).

I trust we’ll see this line in every thread where a furriner gives an opinion of American politics. Right? :dubious:

Ignoring the way you’ve baselessly insulted me

I can’t understand how people ignore or consider irrelevant the fact that Barry was proved to be doing illegal drugs, and was convicted. This isn’t an affair. This buying and using illegal and mind altering substances.

Who’s we? I wouldn’t.

Because I never saw any sign of sincere reform in Barry, and I have seen signs he’s probably still using. You did read the OP? The one in which the cops found trace amounts of crack and marijuana in his car?

As an ex-Bethesdan and Washingtonian Barry is not all that “foreign” to me. He was snorting coke just 2 years ago. Hardcore drug use is an “irrelevant character flaw”? What rises to the level of “relevant character flaw” in your metric of character?

I don’t think so. I’ve already posted something like it before and nobody listened.

Probably something like embezzling the taxpayers’ money, accepting bribes, you know, things that actually affect the voting public.

It’s hard for people to understand if they aren’t from the D.C. area but, for whatever reason, Marion Barry has reached that level of popularity that he is almost beyond scandals. They just don’t matter.

Scandals that, for other politicians, are normally career killers are just humourous antedotes in the story of Mayor-for-life Barry. The voters didn’t care that Marion and his wife, Effy, were both having affairs. Voters didn’t care that Marion Barry was a self-avowed night owl. When his limousine was involved in an accident in the wee hours of the morning and it was discovered he was out partying with a beauty contestant instead of his wife - it didn’t matter. Smoking crack? “Bitch set me up.” With a prostitute? “Bitch set me up.”

Advisors and close personnel friends caught with their hands in the cookie jar while the city went to financial hell? Isolated incidents casting no reflection on him. Several of them. So isolated they were common.

While in prison, he was disciplined when other prisoners complained that he got a blowjob from a woman in the visiting room. While families were present. And the woman still wasn’t his wife. Voters still didn’t care.

Sharon Pratt-Dixon got elected and tried to make changes for the better. Voters hated her. Marion gets out of prison and runs for office; voters love him.

I don’t get the Barry love, but I have seen it first-hand. Barry is just one of those politicians that a city identifies with. Marion Barry will always be Mayor in the hearts of most D.C. residents. He has reached some political plane where scandals are humorous. He’s like Daley for Chicago or Huey Long for Louisianna (I know he wasn’t Mayor, but the point is the same).

Barry reached that place where he wasn’t crooked or shameful. He was colorful.

He’s Mayor-for-life Marion Barry and we pronounce it “maremarebare”.

I missed that post. I guess you have the clout to say that, then. :slight_smile: